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Nina Grunfeld's 'Get a life'

Last Updated: 12:01am BST 06/10/2007

Nina Grunfeld's seven steps to a successful life. Step 7: Just imagine

At one of my recent workshops I came across someone who was in the middle of making a decision about whom to employ.

Nina Grunfeld
Nina Grunfeld

She'd had several replies to her advertisement and was reviewing all the candidates.

One of them was streets ahead of the others in every way and yet something stopped her choosing this applicant. It was almost as if she couldn't believe her luck that this person was applying.

All sorts of thoughts were popping into her head — do I deserve him? Is he for real? What if he leaves when he finds out what a small organisation we are? And so on.

We had been talking about success and when I asked her what her successful self would do in this situation, she said ''Hire him". It was only her nervous self that couldn't do it. Her successful self knew instantly what to do.

It's one of those games you can play. In the back of your mind you know how you're going to feel when you're successful, whether it means living by the seaside in comfortable retirement or running your own business.

If you really thought about it, I'm sure you could even tell me what you would look like as this ''successful you" and how you would act.

Why do we put off these feelings of success when we can touch on them now? If you know how you're going to behave when you've achieved what you want, why not do it now? What's stopping you?

Right now, write down all the decisions you've got to take at the moment. They can be big or small, important or trivial. Take a moment to really get into that ''successful you", and then make each one of those decisions. Why put off being successful?


  • If you want to do something, don't say you'll do it in five years' time, or even five months' time, do it now.
  • Every time you want to make a decision, think how you'd make it if you were successful – that's your answer.
  • What's stopping you being that ''successful you" now? Think about the difference between the way you currently behave and the way ''successful you" behaves and start living successfully now.
  • Get a life - step 6: Avoid comparisons

  • To order a copy of Nina Grunfeld's The Big Book of Us (Short Books) for £11.99 plus £1.25 p&p, call Telegraph Books on 0870 155 7222. Nina is the founder of Life Clubs, 90-minute weekly workshops around the country (020 7222 2199;
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