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Mary J Blige: Proud to shout it out without selling out on 'Growing Pains'

Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 07/02/2008

The soul diva Mary J Blige has beaten alcohol and drugs to emerge as one of the most inspirational singers today. She talks to Helen Brown

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  • The sweat is pouring off 30 women in my local gym. But I've brought them something to help them through today's gruelling aerobics class: Mary J Blige's eighth studio album, Growing Pains.

    Mary J Blige
    Shaking the listener's soul: Mary J Blige

    "Work your thing out, out, out!" chants the platinum-selling R&B diva with the fire it takes to lift our spirits through the burn.

    Inspiringly, Blige has fought and hurt through a whole storm of pain to get to where she is today. She's come through drug and booze addiction, abusive boyfriends, jealous family and friends and music-industry sharks to emerge as a wise, empowered woman who's proud to shout it out without selling out.

    In the 15 years since her debut album, What's the 411?, made her the queen of hip-hop soul, you won't ever have seen Mary J Blige flashing her flesh for the lad mags, and you won't have heard her singing any lyric she doesn't mean from her heart.

    Even when her self-esteem was at rock bottom, she refused to kowtow to female media stereotypes. And, now that she's rich, sober, successful, godly and happily married, the 38-year-old star is frank about the fact that her life still isn't, and probably never will be, "all roses". "?'Cos it ain't," she chuckles, when I meet her in a plush London hotel suite.


    The room is cold, so she has a blanket wrapped granny style around her jeans and fur-lined boots. She's been around the interview block many times since the days when she swore and spat at the press. Snuggling up in her polo neck, her demeanour is collected, courteous A-list, with a refreshing twist of open, woman-to-woman honesty. As we discuss the way her new songs explore love in the context of long-term relationships, she's eager to compare notes: "Do you have days like those too? Does your guy do that too?" And within minutes we're giggling like a pair of girls at the gym, Blige flinging her hands to her mouth and crinkling her nose as she describes how hard her producer husband, Kendu Isaacs, must find her to deal with when she's premenstrual.

    "In fact, the new song, Roses, is about just those days, and all women know which ones I mean," she grins. The mid-tempo ballad is the only track on the album where the self-improvement-driven Blige sounds really, therapeutically angry. There's a metallic whirring noise lurking menacingly in the mix that sounds suspiciously like a revolver's chamber being spun.

    "Yeah, uh-huh," laughs Blige.

    "Like I'm sitting in the dark with a gun waiting to say my piece." In fact, the song was Isaacs's idea. "I'd had a terrible day the day before I recorded it - I just wanted to be in a dark hole with sweet and salty things and not be bothered. My husband was asking me what was wrong and I said: 'The exact same thing that was wrong with me last month.' I lost my cool, I lost my mind, I was just really emotional. So the next day in the studio, my husband said: 'OK, talk about how you feel,' and I said, 'Give me the green light and I'm going for it.' I freestyled it. And when I heard myself saying the things I'd been thinking, like 'you suck it up, you figure it out', I made myself laugh."

    It is, as Blige says, "definitely one for the chicks".

    The reason MJB has sold more than 40 million records and received 26 Grammy Award nominations for her work is her extraordinary ability to shake the listener's soul with emotional recognition. She began writing autobiographically for her second album, My Life (1994), and "found fire" in baring her soul. On 2001's No More Drama, she realised she was singing a genuine prayer for herself to survive the booze and cocaine (her "all-time favourite combo") and all the abusive relationships they got her through and into.

    When she sings No More Drama in concert today, she says, she feels a lifetime of pain unspooling every time: "I go through the emotion of being a child growing up in the projects, getting robbed, grown-ups snatching our trick-or-treating bags, being shot at, having to fight physically every day of your life, going home to alcoholic aunts and every woman around you being beaten so badly by men you can't even understand it, and then growing up and realising you're repeating all those patterns, you're drinking the alcohol and doing the drugs and being abused by men, and the pain and frustration of not being able to stop it." Emotion surges up in Blige's voice as she talks.

    She takes a deep breath. "I rewind through that every time I sing it. I want to give people the real truth.

    "That's why somebody like Amy Winehouse for me now is probably perfect. She's already a legend, a classic. Not in her life, but in the truth of her talent. She doesn't have anywhere else to go or anything else to pull from but her truth." Blige bursts into a few impassioned bars of Winehouse's Rehab, eyes closed, fingertips curling into claws.

    Has she met Winehouse? "No. I sure would love to." What would she say to her? "I'd just give her a hug and let her know I understand just how she's hurting. I know exactly where she's at. And I want to let her know: we got your back, and we gonna continue to pray that nothing tragic happens to you."

    As a Christian, Blige believes her first duty is to live as an example - "I wanna walk it, not preach it" - and she hopes her example shows that women like Winehouse - "all women" - can walk "through the negative fire to the positive fire. I believe," she says, "it's in those dark days that we grow, and that we grow strong. Like I say on the record, we're all the same. We're all a work in progress."

    When I ask what Blige has been working on since the album, it turns out that four years after her marriage she's still struggling with romance. "I'm just not an 'ambience' person. I don't light candles, run bathwater, massage feet. I'm more like a guy - my husband is always making me feel like the special one. And I'm learning from him how to try to do some of that - to give him a massage," she jiggles her thumbs uncertainly and makes a face.

    What's the tattoo on Blige's thumb? "Oh, that's the Japanese for strength," she says. Neither of us is sure that's good news for her husband's feet, but it certainly bodes well for the continued work in progress that is Mary J Blige.

  • 'Growing Pains' is out now.
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