up to dialup

web accelerator

what is web accelerator?

iiNet's Web Accelerator is an exclusive addition to our current unlimited hours dialup account, monitoring and adapting to your web surfing to increase the speed at which web pages load. Up to five times faster than standard dialup, it really is the next best thing to broadband!

Web Accelerator requires no new hardware, and is available wherever there's a phone line. It seamlessly integrates with your iiNet dialup service, all you have to do is download Web Accelerator software to your machine and enable your account through toolbox.

how does it work?

Web Accelerator maximises acceleration for your regularly visited websites. The first time you visit a webpage it will download roughly two times faster. Subsequent visits will download progressively faster, up to five times normal speed.

This is achieved in the following ways:

  • Compression
    Images are compressed by removing some of the detail, drastically reducing file size for quicker downloads.
  • Intelligent downloading
    Webpages are analysed before displaying, to ensure content in your computer's memory from previous visits (for example, the ii logo at the top of this page) isn't being downloaded again.
  • Content filtering - Free Pop Up Blocker
    Pop up content and banner adverts can be blocked, greatly increasing the download speed of the content you actually want to see! These features are set to off by default, but can be altered at any time through the Web Accelerator taskbar menu.

what gets accelerated?

Most web content gets accelerated, though there are some exceptions:

  • What can be accelerated
    All text and imagery will be accelerated (including email imagery in dedicated programs), as well as mp3 files and executables initiated from within your web browser.
  • What can't be accelerated
    Streaming media, audio and video files cannot be accelerated, nor can content derived from secure pages, FTP or VPN.

image acceleration settings

Web Accelerator gives you the ability to fine tune your level of graphics acceleration, allowing for greater control over download speed.

An image without Web Accelerator will retain the maximum visual quality, but will download slower than a Web Accelerator compressed image.

Setting Web Accelerator to Very High Acceleration will reduce the image quality slightly but improve download speed. This is iiNet's recommendation, and your account's default setting.

Choosing Maximum Acceleration will result in the highest image compression, resulting in the quickest downloads at a slighty lower visual quality.

If at any time you need to view a page or image at 100% resolution, you can right-click for the option to refresh at full quality to re-download without Web Accelerator compression.