Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie) is all about her daughters, Cassidy and Lacey. As a single mom, Zeman is determined to empower her girls, but at the same time, she's willing to step back and allow them to make their own decisions. " />


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Star of the Week


For Girls' Eyes Only

— By Tom Stacy

Girls On Film: Jacklyn Zeman's daughters Cassidy (l.) and Lacey look to their mom for life lessons.
— Courtesy Of Jacklyn Zeman

As you'll see in the 1/29 issue of Digest, on sale 1/22, GENERAL HOSPITAL's Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie) is all about her daughters, Cassidy and Lacey. As a single mom, Zeman is determined to empower her girls, but at the same time, she's willing to step back and allow them to make their own decisions. Here's something about Jackie's girls that didn't make it into her Digest feature:

Butterflies Are Free
"When Cassidy was 3, one of her presents for her birthday was a butterfly net that came with a little jar. She opened it up and looked at it and said, 'Mommy, why did you give me this?' I said, 'Cass, we have a lot of butterflies here and you love butterflies.' She said, 'Mommy, why would I want to take its life?' Wow! That's one of the best biggest life lessons which I learned from my 3-year-old. So now, the butterfly is the marker of life for me.”"

Skin Deep
"I've told my girls since they were little that beauty comes from within. We all come in different shapes and sizes and who's to say what's prettier? Lacey said to me once when she was 7, 'Mommy, who's prettier? Cassidy or me?' And I said, 'You're both pretty, but it's more about your soul and what you're going to contribute to the world. It's nice to have looks, but they fade quickly, so you can't dwell on it. Some people will think you're prettier because you've got brown hair and brown eyes and olive skin, and some people are going to think Cassidy's prettier because she has blond hair and blue eyes and light skin. And she said to me, 'Yeah, people sure do like that blond hair, don't they [laughs]?' And as a redhead, I could relate!”

Check out Zeman's thoughts on 30 years at GENERAL HOSPITAL in the new Soap Opera Digest.



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