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As Told To Soap Opera Digest

Alicia Minshew (Kendall, AMC)

"I missed the Rock Star Supernova concert at Radio City in January because I was at work. But it's all right: The weekend before, I went to Atlantic City to see them there. I went with [my boyfriend] Richie and one of his best friends and his girlfriend. The guys were like, 'Go do your thing,' and the girl and I went to the concert together. We got there late because, once again, I was working. I was like [adopts shrieking tone], 'If I miss this...!' but finally we made it there and saw the last half of the show. What can I say about Lukas? I love that kid. I just can't stand it! Here's the best part: Richie's friends with someone who is head of operations for the concert venue, so he put us in the VIP section, so we were off to the side, but right up front. I got nervous like a little schoolgirl, almost like I did years ago with Madonna, but Madonna's a different scenario.

"I got this nervous excitement because I'd watched Lukas so much on TV and now he was right there. I loved the concert; I was jumping around. I knew the words to every song. So then we couldn't go backstage or anything because they were getting ready to do interviews or something like that, but I enjoyed the show, I rocked out and I was perfectly happy about the whole thing.
"Then, later on that night, I went to this club and Tommy Lee [a founding member of Rock Star Supernova and its drummer] was there as a guest DJ. It was this really fun, sexy place and the DJ booth is right in the middle and all you had to do was walk through a door and he's there. And he and Lukas, all of a sudden, they were there. All Lukas had to do was just look over and we would have had eye contact. I was so nervous. Richie was like, 'Go over to him!' He was surrounded, surrounded by women and men, just tons of people. So what am I gonna do, push my way through and go, 'What up? I'm a huge fan! I love you!' I just couldn't do it. I'm just not like that.

"But the cool part was, Tommy Lee started to DJ and he was awesome and Lukas was right behind him and they were jumping around and rocking out. I was dancing and I don't know if he could see me or not, but I liked that I could stare at him all night! Richie is so, like, 'Whatever' about it. Lukas was wearing sunglasses and Richie was like, 'Your boy needs to take off his shades.' I was like, 'I know, I know, but I don't care.' It was fun for me to just be a few feet away from him and to dance and enjoy the same party as he was.

"I regret that I didn't go up to him and say something, but it just wasn't the right time. I've been in situations where I've met so many fans at one time, they eventually become just a blur of people. I didn't want to be a blur to him. So I was like, 'He's right there, but I'll meet him another time. And I'll make out with him! And my boyfriend will be there cheering me on [laughs]. I feel like this story isn't over. And it's fun for me! It's something to look forward to."



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