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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

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News & Advice
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Prior day's news:  By date | By column

Balancing Act

Is there any advantage to an academic's professional career from having children?

On Course

Consider starting a new charitable tradition and giving the gift of school supplies.

An Academic in America

If you teach a few hundred students a year, it seems only a matter of time before you run into a dangerous one.

First Person

A Ph.D. in history adds another graduate-school cliché to his collection.

Career Talk

In more and more disciplines, a postdoc is a critical first step toward an academic career.

Ms. Mentor

For academic bullies, being left alone -- a mix of shunning and solitary confinement -- is the ultimate punishment.

Moving Up

A college president learns to give a speech by the numbers.

First Person

The pragmatic demands of academic life mean that church-related colleges can't always demonstrate compassionate Christianity.

First Person

She had hoped to be treated as a qualified academic, not as the female remainder of a partnership that fell apart.

Balancing Act

Here's a primer on how to approach your department with a request to work part-time.

Heads Up

Hint: Incivility is not the best approach.

Page Proof

Why does it seem like the only time undergraduates encounter 'literary nonfiction' is in composition courses?

The Party Line

As a government-relations officer, you get used to being blamed when things in the capitol go wrong.

Beyond the Ivory Tower

A humanities Ph.D. pursues a career in teaching and administration at a private school.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.
On Hiring

Illinois State Picks New Provost
Illinois State U. has selected Sheri Noren Everts as its next provost.

Universities in New York May Up Their Faculty Ranks
Gov. Eliot Spitzer's Commission on Higher Education will recommend to the New York governor that the State and City U.'s of New York add 2,000 to 2,500 new full-time faculty by 2013

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

Grade complaints

Professors discuss their grade-appeal policies.

You're a community-college instructor if ...

A semi-humorous analysis of life as a community-college instructor.

Why you were not hired

Search-committee members share their reasons for rejecting job candidates.

Lessons from the fall semester

What have you learned this semester that you will take heed of in the future?

Spousal hires

Department chairs talk about how they address the issue of spousal hires.

Dissertators' support thread

Need help overcoming procrastination? Join a virtual support group for dissertation writers.

2007 tenure-track newbies

Starting assistant professors recount their joys and frustrations on the job.

Available Forums

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