Posts Tagged “

Good Morning America


Obama Less Polite, Increasingly Real

Now that he's the presumptive nominee, Barack Obama no longer has to attract voters with meaningless pleasantries and promises of ponies. No, now he's free to switch to real talk. No bullshit. At his Saturday rally in Oregon, Obama told the United States to stop whining and go on a goddamn diet: "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," he said. But we want to drive around eating corn all day! Can we at least continue criticizing your wife for hating America? Apparently not, as we learned on Good Morning America. Clip of that attached.


'GMA' on MySpace Suicide: "Someone Could be Hanging On Your Every Word"

Megan Meier was a Missouri teenager who hanged herself after bullying from a neighbor girl, abetted by the neighbor's mother. Because most of the bullying took place online, on MySpace, the story has a special appeal to the newsmedia—it's not just bullying, it's cyber-bullying. Good Morning America weighed in on the tragedy in a segment this morning. An excerpt appears above. It illustrates not only the importance of being careful "what you say online," but also the dangers of speaking extemporaneously on live television. Was "hanging on your every word" really the best choice of language there? CLIP ยป

gawker stalker

Has Sam Champion Turned Straight?

Didn't Sam Champion come out as gay? Here's a bizarre sighting of the ABC weatherman with a female date at the Royalton's new restaurant. "Friday January 18th, 9pm 44th and 6th Ave: Sam Champion the weatherman making out with his dining companion at Brasserie 44... AND IT WAS A WOMAN! His 'date' climbed on top of his lap (knocking over the vase on the table) and started sucking face. Drawing audible gasps from the people dining nearby." Not explained: whether they were surprised by Champion's return to the closet; or simply amazed that he would bother with such an implausible public show. (In case there were any doubt, here's a clip of Champion discussing the moisturizing value of Crisco.) More »


Diane Keaton Terrifies Diane Sawyer, Curses On Morning TV

The publicity engine for lady-empowering heist flick Mad Money (Without Jim Cramer) rolled on this morning with an appearance by the lovely and talented Diane Keaton on Good Morning America. Diane Keaton spent her segment making Diane Sawyer very uncomfortable. After admitting she'd stolen belts from Bloomingdales 35 years ago (when she was already kinda famous?), Keaton spent a couple minutes expounding on how impossibly hot she finds Sawyer. If Keaton had had lips like Sawyer's, she explains, she never would've needed to work on her "fucking personality." Someone secretly switched Annie Hall with Mary Wilkie—let's see what happens!

nightmare girls

Patrick Moberg Blames Publicity Whoredom On Dream Girl Camille

Vime-emo boy Patrick Moberg went back on his word last week when he and his New York Dream Girl, BlackBook intern Camille Hayton went on Good Morning America to tell their story of how he saw her on a subway and was hot for her and then put up a website and then found her. He's previously told his fanbase that once he found his dream lover, we'd all just have have to imagine the rest of their picture-perfect romance unfolding, because there would be "no more updates." What gives? Was it all just a publicity stunt? Today, Patrick clarifies, sort of, his intentions. Turns out the whole thing was Camille's idea! More »


Patrick Moberg And Camille Hayton Go On 'GMA' To Viral-Market Love

This week has been totally "surreal" for flower-wearing Aussie intern Camille Hayton. First her apartment burned to the ground, forcing her to wear one of her mom's dresses to this morning's "Good Morning America" taping. Then Vimeo employee Patrick Moberg saw her on the subway and made a website about it, but though the site quickly became a "worldwide internet sensation," it didn't come to her attention, she said, until someone "that I work with at BlackBook" mentioned it to her. They met last night for coffee and "totally clicked," so, in spite of Patrick's online avowal that "you'll have to make up your own ending for this," they went on national TV this morning to... show the world that you should believe in flowers and rainbows and romance? Or: To raise the profiles of their employers, Vimeo and BlackBook—or their own brands? We'd like to posit that believing the latter theory doesn't make you a cold-hearted cynic so much as it makes you a sentient human being.

this is a video of a dog climbing a tree

Dog Climbs Tree

We're not the only ones who thought this week was a little slow for news: "Good Morning America" had a feature about an adorable mutt who is literally "up a tree!" Bonus Sam Champion doggie impression included.

grabby grandpas

Kissing Sailor Eye-Rapes, Feels Up Diane Sawyer

"Good Morning America" played host to George Mendonsa today. Mendonsa claims to have been the lippy sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square in that iconic Life magazine photo taken at the end of the Second World War. If this clip is any indication, he most certainly is the fellow in question: Dude is all over Diane Sawyer. It's a little creepy, actually.

suck my lifehammer! suuuuuck it!

Sam Champion Busts Out

This morning, "Good Morning America" weather hottie Sam Champion provided an incredibly servicey piece on how to escape from a locked car in the event of a bridge collapse, which, remember, is looking ever more likely. It's a rollicking, macho adventure as a safety goggle-wearing Sam shatters the window. The best part is the many, many times Sam tells you to "grab hold of the LifeHammer." It's almost like he's said that in a car before!

good morning america

Robin Roberts Has Cancer

This morning, "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts announced on-air that she has breast cancer. It's a fairly affecting moment, and it also allowed us to forgive Joel Siegel for foisting Merry Miller on an unsuspecting public.

the burden of the white man

Sam Champion Is The Weather Emperor Of Us All

If you have a sexual fantasy involving Good Morning America's weather-boy Sam Champion being fanned and fed grapes by African-American children while reclining on some bizarre blue foam piece of furniture, today is like Christmas, Valentine's Day, and your birthday rolled up into one bizarre little package.

The "anthrax" letter sent to Sam Champion reportedly came from a former temp. [Page Six]

blame the media

Michael Moore Holds Chris Cuomo Responsible For Iraq War

Tubby peacenik Michael Moore took to the airwaves this morning to decry the media's coverage of Iraq in the run-up to the war. Lighting into "Good Morning America" anchor Chris Cuomo, the ample activist blamed ABC and the other networks for failing to ask the tough questions. A visibly annoyed Cuomo pulled the "my anchor got blowed up" card in defense. It's a nice bit of television: Whether you come down on the side of Moore or the side of the media, it allows you to dislike both of them equally.

golden girls in the morning

There's A Reason They Call It 'GMGay'

As finale fever grips the nation, even the anchors at "Good Morning America" are getting in on the act. They discuss their favorite series finales in television history. Their picks may surprise you! Unless you've been paying attention.

sam is a champion

The Gayest Show In The Morning

CHILDISH staffers at the "Today" show have been reduced to homophobic name-calling about their rivals at "Good Morning America" - Diane Sawyer, Chris Cuomo, Robin Roberts and Sam Champion. A network source says, " 'Today' staffers, from top to bottom, executives to interns, refer to 'GMA' as 'Gay-MA' " and snicker about the hosts. "GMA" has been gaining in the ratings on No. 1 "Today" and cut its lead in half. For their part, the "GMA" folks are said to refer to "Today" as "Yesterday." Reps for both shows declined to comment.
See, this is the reason "Today" will eventually fall to "Good Morning America" in the ratings race: Lack of imagination. Everyone knows it's "GMGay." Idiots. More »


Media Bubble: Trees Falling in the Forest

  • Here come the layoffs at the Philadelphia Inquirer. [NYT]
  • The Times might feel confident enough that everyone's forgotten the whole Jayson Blair thing to ditch the Public Editor position altogether. [NYO]
  • Gerry Levin's "inner poet" turned out to be some dude who runs a spa. [NYP]
  • That Allbritton online politics thing scores another defection; this time it's Ben Smith of the Daily News, who snared yesterday's scoop on the stolen Giuliani documents. [NYDN]
  • Radar's John Cook, Jeff Bercovici get all Woodward and Bernstein on some dude who wrote a mean thing in Brit Hume's Wikipedia entry. [Radar]
  • More »


    Laura Bush is a Huge Wes Anderson Fan, Ok?

    This morning on GMA, First Bobble-Head Doll Laura Bush explained the Bush White House's Christmas decorating theme, "Deck the Halls and Peace to All (Except Iraqis)." She slipped up a little bit when showing Robin Roberts a portrait of Angelica Van Buren, though. Don't feel bad, Laura! We automatically associate this time of year with The Royal Tenenbaums, too.

    diane sawyer

    Is Diane Sawyer Sending "Get Me Out Of Here" Signals Through TV?

    Speaking of GMA, a reader writes that "Diane Sawyer had notes on her hand this morning God bless the dear but when she put her left hand up there were crib notes. Visible during her 'on the street' in Jerusalem segment during the bread cart visit. Next scene both hands firmly clasped on mike. Couldn't read what it said but the writing was pretty large." Well, we grabbed a clip, but we've got no idea: At best, it looks like the Hebrew for "Fuck Charlie Gibson." Any amateur graphologists out there want to give us a hand?