ECPAT International
   The ECPAT Network
   CSEC - Commercial Sexual
   Exploitation of Children
homepage > good practices

Sharing good practices in combating the commercial sexual exploitation of children is essential in learning what works and what doesn't. ECPAT International has compiled this inventory from several sources: East Asia and the Pacific Regional Consultation in preparation for the Second World Congress; partner organisations of UN ESCAP; a follow-up booklet from the International Summit of Sexually Exploited Youth; and field visits of projects and organizations by ECPAT International staff.

By providing these examples, ECPAT International hopes that they will serve as an inspiration and as a model for future actions. Many of the projects have had difficulties of one sort or another, whether financial, political, or technical. Yet the individuals and organizations that operate these projects have surmounted these difficulties with creativity and effort; all the projects have achieved some measure of success. We cannot say that eliminating commercial sexual exploitation of children is an easy task, but as this compilation illustrates, neither can we say it is an impossible one.


Table of Contents


Good Practices: Cooperation and Coordination

Good Practices: Prevention

Good Practices: Protection

Good Practices: Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Good Practices: Child Participation



homepage > good practices