Item Code: #GRR1802
Title: Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn
Type: Adventure
For: 4 to 6 1st-level characters
Author: Owen K.C. Stephens
Published: 2005
Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
Format: 80-page perfect-bound book

anctuary. Thieves' World. The grittiest city in fantasy is now yours to explore. For as long as the city has stood, it has weathered divine wars, plague, famine, fires, an invasion, cults, and worse - but are there heroes left to fight against the newest plot to destroy this infamous city?

A sudden and seemingly random murder in the Vulgar Unicorn puts the heroes' freedom in jeopardy. To clear their names, they have to get to the bottom of a terrifying plot to infect the city with a vicious plague. From the outset, the action keeps coming, taking the heroes from the Maze to the Swamp of Night's Secrets, and embroiling them in a vicious plot involving Dyareelan cultists, diseased swine, assassins, and more!

Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn includes:

  • A complex mystery chock full of action and adventure.
  • New monsters including the Bengil Crab and the Fenniath.
  • Six player handouts.
  • Five pre-generated characters so you can get started right away!
  • Stats for typically encountered NPCs like Beggars, Guards, Merchants and more.
  • 13 side adventures and encounters to enchance play
  • A detailed map and room description of the Vulgar Unicorn: fantasy's seediest tavern!
Set in the Irrune Era, this adventure provides suggestions for adapting it to the Sanctuary of the classic series. Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn accomodates parties of four to six characters, and while suggested for 1st-level heroes, it can be used with modification for parties of any level. Useable as the start of a new campaign or as a stand-alone adventure, this adventure sets the tone for the Thieves' World campaign setting.

Though not requires, a copy of Green Ronin's Thieves' World Player's Manual allows you to make the most use of this exciting adventure.


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