Item Code: #MN09
Title: Midnight: Fury of Shadow
Type: Accessory
Published: 2005
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Format: 160-page perfect-bound book, 2 16-page books, 3-panel cardstock screen, fold-out map
In the Last Age, the ancestral homeland of the elven people has become a battleground. Armies of orcs, ogres, giant-men, and trolls mass in the North, preparing to spill out of the Highhorns and lay waste to the Veradeen, the snow-clad home of the Erunsil elves. In the east, trained and disciplined orcish armies set out from Eisin, burning their way into the fey wood along the mighty Felthera River. Standing defiant between the bloody pincers of this assault is Caradul, the capital of the elven nation and domain of Aradil, the Witch Queen. In the Night Kings' grand campaign is successful, it could mean the end of organized resistance to the Shadow in Eredane. The outcome is as yet undecided: Your heroes could be the ones that save the elven nations... or doom them to defeat!

FURY OF SHADOW is a deluxe limited edition boxed set that will take your MIDNIGHT campaign to a whole new level. It offers a variety of tools that will help you explore the great forest of Erethor and the coming war that threatens its very existence.

  • A 160-page campaign book detailing every aspect of the elven wood and the war for its survival. The book includes detailed source material, complete NPC descriptions and stats, new monsters and magic, and countless adventure hooks that you can easily incorporate into your campaign.
  • A 16-page cartography booklet featuring beautiful and detailed maps of the regions of Erethor, the military campaign, battlefields, and many other locations of interest, from Autilar, the ancient keep of the Fortress Wall, to the orcish outpost called Rog Kral, the River's Fangs.
  • A full-color heavy cardstock DM screen customized for MIDNIGHT's unique take on the d20 System.
  • A giant full-color poster map of the continent of Eredane.
  • Special edition, customized MIDNIGHT character sheets.

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook,
published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes
updated material from the v.3.5 revision.

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