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Star of the Week


Dinah (Gina Tognoni)
— Lorenzo Bevilaqua/PGP

Dinah Daze: How Well Do You Know This Daring GL Dame?

1) What is Dinah's middle name?

  1. Marie
  2. Adele
  3. Emily
2) What did Vanessa give to Dinah on the day she married Mallet?
  1. A necklace from Ross
  2. A bracelet from Matt
  3. A garter from Mallet
3) Who did Dinah marry in 1995?
  1. Roger
  2. Hart
  3. Rob Layne

4) How much money did Dinah steal from the Fifth Street Charity Gala fund back in 1995?

  1. $100
  2. $500,000
  3. $80,000

5) Whose identity did Dinah steal while galavanting around Europe?

  1. Harley's
  2. Cassie's
  3. Blake's

Tainted Love: Dinah's (Moniz) twisted relationship with Hart (Frank Grillo) ended with his accidental death.
— Dana Belcher

6) How did Dinah accidentally cause Hart's death?

  1. She ran him over with a car
  2. She poisoned him
  3. She shot him

7) In what year did Dinah canoodle with druggie Cameron Stewart?

  1. 1992
  2. 1987
  3. 2001

8) Who helped Dinah set up her own kidnapping in San Cristobel?

  1. Edmund
  2. Alonzo
  3. Jonathan

9) How did Dinah officially meet Mallet?

  1. When she was waiting tables at Kiyogi
  2. After he rescued her from a fire in a replica of the Jessup farm
  3. Through Jean Luc, her ex-lover from France

10) After Dinah slept with Jeffrey in an attempt to keep him quiet about her criminal past, what did she discover?

  1. Her room had been vandalized
  2. She was pregnant
  3. Mallet had slept with Harley


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