Prosecutors drop charge against Stapp

Thu Dec 13, 4:22 PM ET

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Prosecutors have dropped a domestic battery charge against Scott Stapp after the rocker completed terms of an agreement including a requirement that he participate in anger management counseling.

The former frontman for Creed was arrested in May after his wife, Jaclyn Nesheiwat, called police to their Boca Raton home. She accused Stapp of taking drugs and throwing a bottle at her, according to a tape of her 911 call.

Stapp was originally charged with aggravated assault with intent to commit a felony, but the charge was later reduced to a misdemeanor.

He participated in a 12-hour anger management program, underwent substance abuse evaluation and agreed not to possess any weapons.

The Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office said the misdemeanor charge was officially dropped Monday.

A telephone message left Thursday for Stapp's attorney wasn't immediately returned.

Stapp and Nesheiwat, a former Miss New York USA, were married in February 2006 in Miami. The couple have a baby daughter, Milan Hayat Stapp.

Creed sold more than 25 million records in the United States. Stapp has since launched a solo career.


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