
Mitchell's report rips mask off baseball*s steroid era

USATODAY.com - Fri Dec 14, 12:22 AM ET

The history of baseball from now on will be divided into two distinct eras, before the Mitchell report and after.

James Kilpatrick on Yahoo!

Haute diggity dog

Parody works amazingly well in the case of doggy couture and Louis Vuitton.

Maggie Gallagher on Yahoo!

Faith of our fathers

Does our freedom really require a belief in God?

The Nation on Yahoo!

A growing voice

Young people are increasingly engaged, progressive and planning to vote.

  • The Case for Impeachment Hearings HuffingtonPost.com - Fri Dec 14, 1:02 PM ET

    I was serving in Congress and on the Judiciary Committee for the ridiculous and politically motivated impeachment hearings of President Clinton.

  • Clinton, Obama, Drugs and the Politics of Cynicism The Nation - Fri Dec 14, 12:28 AM ET

    The Nation -- There are plenty of what might charitably be referred to as "unsavory" characters associated with the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, who tends to attract the seamy political hangers-on who like to attach themselves to candidates who have money and good poll numbers.

  • Permalancers, Unite! The Nation - Thu Dec 13, 6:19 PM ET

    The Nation -- Gawker.com is a gossip blog best known for mocking Lindsay Lohan and generally lowering the level of discourse in the New York media world.

  • Could Clinton Lose Because of Women? RealClearPolitics.com - Fri Dec 14, 11:15 AM ET

    From virtually the beginning of her campaign, New York Senator Hillary Clinton has made every effort to maximize her advantages among women voters.

  • A Second Democratic Year in '08? RealClearPolitics.com - Fri Dec 14, 11:30 AM ET

    Look at recent history. The Senate has changed party control six times: in 1980 (D to R), 1986 (R to D), 1994 (D to R), 2001 (R to D), 2002 (D to R), and 2006 (R to D). This is no longer a rare event. And the Democrats now control the Senate by the slimmest of margins, 51 to 49. Surely, then, Republicans have a real chance to recapture Congress' upper chamber in 2008.


    WASHINGTON -- A well-connected friend in the Hillary Clinton campaign let this slip after a tour of early primary states: "If Barack Obama were white, he'd already be the nominee."

  • The Subprime 'Crisis' -- Time for Government Intervention? Larry Elder - Thu Dec 13, 3:00 AM ET

    Creators Syndicate - Our catastrophe-obsessed traditional media calls it the subprime mortgage "crisis" or "meltdown." Here's what happened:

  • The Mercy of Mike Huckabee Joe Conason - Thu Dec 13, 3:00 AM ET

    Creators Syndicate - Having vaulted into the front ranks of the Republican presidential contenders, Mike Huckabee is now more than an amiable curiosity — and his decade as governor of Arkansas will be scrutinized carefully for clues to his character and temperament.


    WASHINGTON -- Isn't it time we just left Russia alone?

  • BLACK TIMES William F. Buckley - Wed Dec 12, 6:34 PM ET

    Some months ago I had a communication from a member of Conrad Black's defense team.

  • FUTURE IMPERFECT, PART III Ted Rall - Wed Dec 12, 6:31 PM ET

    Buy Stock in Newspapers, Weep For America

  • IS AMERICA 'UNDER GOD'? Maggie Gallagher - Wed Dec 12, 6:30 PM ET

    Thank God for Mitt Romney's "Faith in America" speech.

  • PUTTING ON THE DAWG James Kilpatrick - Wed Dec 12, 6:30 PM ET

    The winning defendant in Case No. 06-2267 -- I am not making this up -- is Haute Diggity Dog. The plaintiff is Louis Vuitton Malletier. Covering the federal courts is more fun than covering the Redskins.

  • A TALE OF TWO POLITICIANS Georgie Anne Geyer - Wed Dec 12, 6:30 PM ET

    WASHINGTON -- Two prominent American political figures dominated last week's news, but in very different ways: President George W. Bush and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Let's see which one made the better impression with his character, morals and behavior.


    The October 2007 Vanity Fair had a long, gaseous article explaining how the pro-Bush bias of the mainstream media cost Al Gore the 2000 presidential election. (For you kids out there too young to remember, Al Gore is a vaguely gay, morbidly obese former Clinton administration official who raised campaign cash from Buddhist monks and claimed he invented the Internet.)

  • Editorial Roundup AP - Wed Dec 12, 3:05 PM ET

    Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:

  • THEY'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU Ann Coulter - Wed Dec 12, 10:28 AM ET

    Poor Ron Radosh is still hoping liberals will forgive him.

  • The Quiet Rise of Jon Kyl The Weekly Standard - Wed Dec 12, 10:02 AM ET

    Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 013, Issue 14 - 12/17/2007 - When Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona learned on the Sunday after Thanksgiving that Senate Republican whip Trent Lott would announce his retirement the next day, he moved swiftly. It was mid-afternoon. By the end of the evening, he had 20 of the 25 votes needed to succeed Lott as the number two Republican in the Senate. And that was just by making phone calls from his home in Phoenix.

  • Due Process for Jihadists? The Weekly Standard - Wed Dec 12, 10:01 AM ET

    Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 013, Issue 14 - 12/17/2007 - "Isn't the main issue," Justice John Paul Stevens plaintively asked, "the fact that it has taken six years" to resolve the question whether alien enemy combatants "have been unlawfully detained" at Guantánamo Bay?

  • Hillary and The Clinton Legacy HuffingtonPost.com - 2 hours, 40 minutes ago

    "We know how to do this," Hillary Clinton says on the campaign trail, "we've been here before." Clinton argues she represents both the "experience and the change," but from the campaign's beginning, she has presented herself as a restoration, offering a way back to the sun-filled years of peace and prosperity of her husband's presidency.

Most Popular Opinion

  • Opposing view: Right-to-carry saves lives USATODAY.com - Fri Dec 14, 12:20 AM ET

    Let's stop saying there's nothing new to say.

  • How Iran's president is being undercut The Christian Science Monitor - Fri Dec 14, 4:00 AM ET

    Medford, Mass., and New York - It is clear that the Bush administration's policy of sanctions and tacit threat of war toward Iran has lost all credibility. This became evident as soon as the National Intelligence Estimate released this month contradicted the White House depiction of the Iranian threat.

  • A big chill for global warming The Christian Science Monitor - Wed Dec 12, 3:00 AM ET

    Al Gore warned this week that climate change is "imminent," an "emergency," and could soon cause a planetary hothouse, or "carbon summer." The new evidence? Sea levels and carbon gases are rising faster than expected. And Arctic summer ice may melt within a generation.

  • IS AMERICA 'UNDER GOD'? Maggie Gallagher - Wed Dec 12, 6:30 PM ET

    Thank God for Mitt Romney's "Faith in America" speech.

  • Our view on shooting sprees: Death at church, and the mall USATODAY.com - Fri Dec 14, 12:21 AM ET

    In the past nine days, shoppers at an Omaha mall and the faithful at two religious centers in Colorado came into contact with a horrifying phenomenon of modern life: A deranged killer who believes he'll somehow find fulfillment by gunning down strangers.