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Graduate schools Japanese-Language Education Agreement
Japanese-Language Edication at Seikei Univesity
Large course selection
Japanese-language courses at Seikei University are divided into three
levels: low intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced, allowing students to take courses suited to their Japanese ability and purposes. Because we have prepared a variety of courses including reading comprehension, grammar, conversation, kanji and vocabulary, and report writing, our program can accommodate a wide range of Japanese study needs. However, there are no classes for absolute beginners.

Small class size
Our principle of small-class education, which is one of the university's
major characteristics, is implemented in Japanese-language education, too. Each class has from three to 20 students, with the number adjusted in relation to the type of study and the purpose. Instructors provide each foreign student with meticulous guidance.

Introduction to Japan Course
In addition to courses in the Japanese language, we offer one Introduction to Japan course each semester. Each course is taught by a number of instructors, and is fashioned to provide students with a multifaceted understanding of contemporary Japanese society, social issues, and other relevant matters.

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3-3-1, Kichijoji-Kitamachi, Musasino-shi Tokyo, 180-8633 Japan