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KURITA, Keisuke
President, Seikei University
Massage from THE ORESIDENT
Small-class education with a free spirit and respect for individuality fosters excellent professional capabilities and rich character
Seikei University has always followed a flexible course of development appropriate to the changing times.
The University strives to respond quickly to the impact of
internationalization and the information society by continuously improving its educational program, facilities, and equipment, and by reforming its curriculum, entrance examination system, and other institutional components in order to produce the kind of graduates needed in today's world.
No matter how the times may change, Seikei has adhered to the philosophy it adopted at its founding, which is to instill an education that does away with the precept that mere knowledge is all-powerful. Rather, Seikei aims to provide an environment that produces graduates of character who hold individuality in high regard.
In the 21st century the University steadfastly upholds the educational
principle of "creating self-reliant people with individuality."Faculty and staff members alike recognize this goal as the identity that permeates the entire university.
The product of this Seikei tradition is highly regarded by society.
Small-class education conducted in a free spirit, interaction among a
wide variety of people, a campus enveloped in green, and other features
combine to make up the attraction of Seikei University and enables Seikei to turn out a group of young, talented people of rich character each year.

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3-3-1, Kichijoji-Kitamachi, Musasino-shi Tokyo, 180-8633 Japan