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International House

The International House was built in 1998 for dynamic international
fellowship among foreign students, visiting foreign researchers, Japanese students, university faculty, and the local community. The building contains dormitory rooms for foreign students (some are used by Japanese students), rooms for visiting foreign researchers, and common areas including a lounge and a Japanese-style room.
People of various nationalities, including Japanese, live in the
International House. Residents are expected to practice amicable
fellowship and observe the rules. Although the cultural mix means residents have different customs, ways of thinking, and ways of expressing themselves, transcending those differences to understand and learn from each other affords a valuable opportunity to enrich oneself spiritually and develop international sensibility.
There are 25 student rooms (20 square meters), each with a bath,
lavatory, desk, chair, bookshelves, and bed with bedding. Rooms also have Internet connections.

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3-3-1, Kichijoji-Kitamachi, Musasino-shi Tokyo, 180-8633 Japan