Runar's translation of Liber Loagaeth excerpts

This page contans Runar's translation work from Liber Loagaeth, Table 1, rows 5, 2, and 15. For the translation of row 2 he has used brackets ( ) for words added for ease of  reading, [ ] for alternative words, and " " for words in doubt.  Table 1, row 2 was originally posted to enochian-l.

Row 5

Mabeth ar mikes achap pax mara geduth alides orcanor manch arseth.
Olontax ar geban vox portex ah pamo.
Agèmaton burise ganport. Vdrios pasch. Machel len arvin zembuges. vox mara.
gons ihehusch dah parsodan maah alsplan donglses adipr aginot. Archad dons
a dax van famlet a dex arge pa gens.

Ma beth ! ar mikes achaph. Pax mara geduth alides

Fall Betrayal ! Protection is great for mice. Thou the betrayed that shivers in the precence

orcanor manch arseth. Olontax ar ge ban vox

of the son of night lives full time. Whenever the protection of our holyness comes between

portex ah pamo; agèmaton burise ganport.

the desire of freedom; arising are the minor and secondary desires.

Vdrios pasch Machel len arvin : zembuges !

When wanting the revelation of the mighty one; the action is as follows: Insist !

Vox mara.

Between treason.

Gons ihehusch dah parsodan maah alsplan donglses

The faith in the Seat of Mercy indulges the love of power; but as the incidents runs through

adipr aginot, archad dons a dax van famlet a dex

the invisible Fire takes seat, entering the ruler as the 49 neither scaring nor as the terrifying one,

arge pa gens.

conquering is so being done.

Row 2

Ihehusch gronadox arden, o na gempalo mikasman vandres orda bevegiah noz plig nase zamponon aneph. Ophad a medox marune gena pras no dasmat vorts manget a deune damph. Naxt OS vandeminaxat orophas vor minodal amudas ger pa o dax zum ban sez ordan pres umblosda vorx nadon. Patrophes undes adon ganebus ihehudz.

Ihehusch gronadox arden,

The Mercy seat featuring "the holy one",

o na gempalo mikasman vandres

calling forth that rejoicing (and) mighty Governor of fortitude (that)

orda bevegiah noz plig nase zamponon aneph.

forever praises the word emanating from his destructive war of neverness [such as never was]

Ophad a medox marune gena pras;

Hail (to) the Grail (whose) torment becomes feigned;

no das- mat vorts manget a deune damph.

becoming that (which is) blinded, over the sacrifice of the precious spirit.

Naxt OS vandeminaxat orophas

Then the twelve secrets of the Zodiack becomes revealed

vor minodal amudas

over the prepared masters,

ger pa o dax zum ban sez ordan ma

Death is called, the 49 most brilliant, and the holy Axe eternally falls;

pres umblosda vorx na don.

"fire" (and) bitterness over the Ruler.

Patrophes undes a-don ganebus ihehudz.

Devastating (but) accepting (is) the Rulers sinister experience of the Mercy Seat.

Row 15

Mika surascha para te gàmmes adrios NA danos.  
Vra lad pacad ur gesme crus a prasep ed a palse nax varno zum.
Zan cu asdom baged urmigar orch phaphes ustra nox affod masco gax camles
unsanba a oh la gras par quas consa qual lat gemdax tantat; ba vod talpah ian.

Mika surascha para te gàmmes adrios

Mighty willagent, flaming as a wild dance throughout the universe,

NA danos.

the Trinity obeys you.

Vra lad pacad ur gesme crus a prasep

Seeing the One in three being as they are, the One smiles , paints the sigil of

ed a palse nax varno zum.

Unity : The formulated name of the seer, at heart.

Zan cu asdom baged urmigar orch phaphes

The finger touches gladly any doubt, portrayed then are also passion wealth and

ustra nox affod masco gax camles

willingness upon Him who is recovering. Beholding this will are whole persons

unsanba a oh la gras par quas consa

unruly as the old One, and the moon flaming within olives, perfected in the

qual lat gemdax tantat; ba vod

creator, exercising their praise of multiplication, taught; but learnt by

talpah ian.

experience, the excess you are in your Lordship.

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