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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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News & Advice
Today's most e-mailed | RSS
Prior day's news:  By date | By column

The Fund Raiser

Fund raising was never an easy task, and now it's complicated by having to defend the honor of philanthropy.

Career News

Harvard's mission to transform humanities teaching leads students on a digital voyage with Stephen Greenblatt, the noted Shakespearean scholar.

On Course

Students plagiarize for their own reasons, and it's a mistake for a professor to take it personally.

First Person

Shouldn't untenured junior faculty members be writing books, not editing them?

Heads Up

Too many academics ignore the rules that come with their campus-provided computer and e-mail accounts.

First Person

A department head at a large distance-education program plots her return to the nonprofit world.

The Two-Year Track

Are you going to be the kind of administrator who is suspicious of faculty members?

Moving Up

A new dean learns just how much time he must spend behind his closed, decoration-free, joyless door.

First Person

Is it a stretch to imagine that, just as students have different learning styles, instructors might have different teaching styles?

First Person

After spending 25 years working with graduate students, a professor concludes it's not all it's cracked up to be.

First Person

A Ph.D. in religious studies begins her second year of a job search knowing that she and her partner will face stresses that other couples don't.

An Academic in America

Repeat to yourself, "I am too cool to be a professor, I am too cool to be a professor."

Ms. Mentor

Maybe, says Ms. Mentor, students and professors aren't meant to be good pals.

First Person

Pressured to be seen at certain college events, a black professor decides to redefine his role on the campus.

Page Proof

A former editor in scholarly publishing helps decode manuscript-rejection letters.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.
On Hiring

Dean Dad offers advice on crafting cover letters for administrative jobs

Striking food-service and maintenance workers at the U. of Manitoba reached an agreement with university officials over the weekend

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

Uncomfortable moments

How do you handle grade complaints?, a new instructor asks.

Student criminals

Professors tell stories about students in their classes who've had run-ins with the law.

Returning to work

Professors share stories about awkward moments they've experienced with students.

Speak up or keep mum?

A professor wonders if he should expose a colleague who may be lying about his credentials.

Grade complaints

How do you handle grade complaints?, a new instructor asks.

Returning to work

A new mom worries about returning to work after an eight-month maternity leave.

Dean as faculty member or not?

A professor who is considering applying for a dean position wonders if she'll still have time to teach.

2007 tenure-track newbies

Starting assistant professors recount their joys and frustrations on the job.

Dissertators' support thread

Need help overcoming procrastination? Join a virtual support group for dissertation writers.

Available Forums

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