Pablo Picasso. Old Beggar with a Boy. 1903. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow, Russia.


Support this site.

I wish I could give you an irresistibly weepy hard luck story, but the truth is much more mundane. I hate work, and work hates me. The recession is hitting me pretty hard, and I'll probably be unemployed shortly, so if you could toss a few dollars my way and give me a cushion as I scramble for a new job, I would be most grateful.

Also, I have a few new projects I'd like to post on my web site, but I'd hate to give away too much work for free.

How much should you donate?

If my website were a book at a yard sale, would it be worth a couple of bucks to buy it? Would you be willing to buy me a beer except that you live all the way over in Australia? Would you buy me lunch in order to hear all my stories?

Well, unfortunately, you can't, so you might as well just send me money.

If you click on the PayPal button below, I'll get 97% of your donation (minus a 30 cent handling fee)

If you click on the Amazon button below, I'll get 85% of your donation (minus a 15 cent handling fee).

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On the other hand, I'm far from being the neediest person in the world, so I won't be at all upset if you would prefer to donate to a more respectable charity instead.

I figure that if I do a favor for you by providing information on my web site, and you do a favor for the Red Cross by donating time or money, then eventually, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (or the the World Wildlife Fund or Amnesty International) will do a favor for someone who does me a favor, and the Circle will close.

Thank you.

to Matthew White's homepage

Last updated January 2003

Copyright © 2003 Matthew White (except for the Picasso, obviously)