Item Code: #11510
Title: Science Fiction Adventure Game
Type: Core Rules
Author: Bill Slavicsek with William W. Connors & Sean K. Reynolds
Published: 1999
Format: 2 32-page books, two-panel cardstock screen, 8 bi-fold accessory sheets, "READ THIS FIRST!" insert, 5 dice in mini-ziploc bag, vinyl TSR dice bag
It's the dawn of the 26th century. Human beings have built starships and founded a civilization reaching
hundreds of light-years across the galaxy. New adventures - and new dangers - are everywhere, just
waiting to be discovered. Best of all, you're the hero who makes the next big discovery, stops the next
insidious threat to humankind, or carries out the next heart-stopping rescue in the face of
impossible odds!

Inside this box, you'll find everything you need to start playing now. The ALTERNITY
Adventure Game contains two books, a Gamemaster Screen, eight hero
folders, and five dice. Your journey into a world of adventure, excitement,
wonder, and terror begins here. It's like nothing you've ever seen before!

There's no limit to the science fiction excitement and action
with the ALTERNITY Adventure Game. Powered by your
imagination and more interactive than any computer
or video game, the ALTERNITY Adventure Game is
an experience you'll never forget. Open up
the throttle and take the future by storm!

What are you waiting for? There's no time like the future!

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