News & Advice by Date

First Person

After spending 25 years working with graduate students, a professor concludes it's not all it's cracked up to be. (10/12/2007)

A Ph.D. in religious studies begins her second year of a job search knowing that she and her partner will face stresses that other couples don't. (10/11/2007)

An Academic in America

Repeat to yourself, "I am too cool to be a professor, I am too cool to be a professor." (10/10/2007)

Ms. Mentor

Maybe, says Ms. Mentor, students and professors aren't meant to be good pals. (10/9/2007)

First Person

Pressured to be seen at certain college events, a black professor decides to redefine his role on the campus. (10/8/2007)

Page Proof

A former editor in scholarly publishing helps decode manuscript-rejection letters. (10/5/2007)

First Person

Should a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology pursue a career in private practice or academe? (10/4/2007)

First Person

Sure, clichés make for weak writing, but a Ph.D. candidate in English finds they come in handy while preparing for an academic job search. (10/3/2007)

The Party Line

Between the worlds of politics and higher education lies a lot of misunderstanding. (10/2/2007)

Beyond the Ivory Tower

It was only after leaving academe that a historian learned how to use, interpret, and preserve historical artifacts. (10/1/2007)

First Person

Want to know what an editor is really thinking when he's reading that article you submitted? (9/28/2007)

First Person

At 36, an aspiring senior administrator finds that her age tips the balance against her candidacy. (9/27/2007)

First Person

A Ph.D. in the geological sciences who has had great success in research nonetheless hopes to land a job at a place where teaching matters. (9/26/2007)

The Fund Raiser

Is it a conflict of interest, or just plain stupid, to share tricks of the trade with another nonprofit group? (9/25/2007)

P&T Confidential

A blueprint for rescuing your academic career from the ashes of tenure denial. (9/24/2007)

Heads Up

The ability to communicate negative information without alienating your audience has become an essential administrative skill. (9/20/2007)

First Person

The not-quite-mutual decision of college and scholar to part ways can sour you on the prospect of finding the perfect academic "fit." (9/19/2007)

First Person

Here's a guide for entry-level administrators as they embark on careers in higher education. (9/18/2007)

On Course

A self-published book on teaching is the surprising source of some valuable insights on the college classroom. (9/17/2007)

Heads Up

Will you be held accountable for requiring students to participate in a virtual world if they become the target of online harassers? (9/14/2007)

First Person

In his first years in office, a new president learns to expect the unexpected. (9/13/2007)

Beyond the Ivory Tower

When his vision of finding a job at a big research university faded, a Ph.D. in ecology took the less traditional path. (9/12/2007)

Ms. Mentor

There are ways to dress in academe, Ms. Mentor cautions, and every fashion choice does send a message. (9/11/2007)

Page Proof

Too many books by academics are nothing more than data dumps. (9/10/2007)

First Person

On the continuum from purist to profligate, where do most academics fall when it comes to selling desk copies? (9/7/2007)

First Person

Exactly what kind of work are faculty members doing when no one's watching? (9/6/2007)

First Person

The tenure process is a lot like exercise. You don't make the effort because you enjoy it. You do it because it will pay off in the long run. (9/5/2007)

An Academic in America

All too often, students learn the hard way that education, like the stock market, is built on speculation. (9/4/2007)


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