The Chronicle of Higher Education
article illustration

Deborah A. Yow (above, right), director of athletics, U. of Maryland at College Park. — Read story

Few Minority Coaches Are Found in Big-Time College Football

The number of minority coaches leading the nation's largest college football programs remains low, with only two minority coaches hired to fill 33 such open positions in the past hiring cycle, says a new report.

Faculty Feel Disconnected From Athletics

Opponents of Sioux Nickname Are Warned After Running Ad

The 10 Most Powerful People in College Sports

GRADUATED SUCCESS: Athletes in the nation's biggest college-sports programs continue to graduate at high levels, the NCAA says.


Facts & Figures

The Chronicle's annual report on gender equity in college athletics, including a searchable database

Graduation rates for athletes and other students who entered college in 1988-97

Average salaries of male and female coaches

Issues in Depth

Affirmative Action

Title IX and Intercollegiate Athletics

The Chronicle's 2007-8 Almanac of Higher Education