
Printer Drivers

Adobe Printer Drivers

Bring the power of PostScript right to your desktop

Adobe® PostScript® printer drivers, designed exclusively for use with PostScript products, provide the ultimate printing solution for your color-, text-, graphic-, or image-intensive documents. Whether you are a Windows or Macintosh user, the Adobe printer drivers give you desktop control of all of your PostScript printer's features.


Macintosh, Windows

Latest printer drivers

Windows 95/98


Adobe printer drivers in action

Featured in print


PostScript vs. PDF

Why do we offer two printing technologies? How do they differ?

Translate your ideas into print...
exactly as intended

If you have a printing device equipped with Adobe PostScript, there are no limits on your use of color, text, graphics, and images. No matter what computers you use. Or what printing devices you use. Or where they are located.

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