Rock & Roll Daily, Your non-stop music news source.

10/1/07, 7:14 pm EST

Radiohead’s “In Rainbows”: Our Track-by-Track Breakdown

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Radiohead are releasing In Rainbows, their seventh studio album, in two different formats: a basic DRM-free download version that costs whatever you want that’s available October 10th, and a deluxe boxed version that includes a double vinyl disc, a book, eight bonus tracks and two CDs, out the first week of December (it also comes with a DRM-free download that actives on October 10th).
The good news for those of you who can’t wait: As any hard-core Radiohead fan knows, most of the songs on In Rainbows have been played live by the band for some time, and versions of them are widely available on the Internet. Click here for a track-by-track breakdown of Radiohead’s new album.

-- Andy Greene and Daniel Kreps

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10/1/07, 6:10 pm EST

Guess the Next Rolling Stone Cover: The First Hint

What you see before you is a navel. Whose belly-button is it? Somebody who appears on the next cover of Rolling Stone, that’s who. Hit us with your best theories, and we’ll be back tomorrow with another clue. Wednesday all will be revealed, plus we’ll post an excerpt of the cover story.

-- Rolling Stone

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10/1/07, 6:08 pm EST

Muslim Punk Bands Tour the U.S.: Tales of Allah, Amps and Anarchy

This summer, five Muslim punk bands from around the country united to buy a used school bus on eBay and hit the road for a ragtag tour across America. The bus — painted green and stenciled with little red camels — hit punk flophouses, mosques and the Islamic Society of North America’s annual conference (where the mohawked and pierced crew was ejected). Rolling Stone caught up with the tour in Chicago. Click here to hear more about it.

-- Evan Serpick

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10/1/07, 5:19 pm EST

Britney Spears Loses Custody of Kids

Britney Spears has temporarily lost custody of her children, two-year-old Sean Preston and one-year-old Jayden James. At a hearing earlier today in Los Angeles, a judge awarded custody of the two boys to ex-husband Kevin Federline starting this Wednesday until the court orders otherwise. It looks like twelve-plus months of panty-free partying, rehab stints, the VMAs disaster, damaging bodyguard testimony and Spears’ failure to hang on to legal counsel probably didn’t help her case. We could joke about how bad a mother you have to be to lose your children to a dude like K-Fed, but at this point, we just feel really sorry for those kids. Spears must still attend counseling, meet with a parenting coach and submit to random drug testing.

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[Photo: Wenn]

-- Rolling Stone

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10/1/07, 4:32 pm EST

The Twenty-Five Most Underrated Guitarists

Statistics show that the average rock fan spends roughly 4.7 hours per year arguing over who’s the greatest guitarist of all time (see: Rolling Stone’s list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time). We asked you who’s most criminally left out of those discussions — in other words, who are the most underrated guitarists ever? Here are the results:

1. Prince
2. Kurt Cobain
3. Neil Young
4. George Harrison
5. Ace Frehley
6. Mike McCready
7. Lindsey Buckingham
8. Mick Taylor
9. Nels Cline
10. Johnny Greenwood (more…)

-- Rolling Stone

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