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Active searches from InstName: Westfield State College in Chronicle Careers

  • features a Commonwealth Honors Program, meeting special state criteria.
  • participates in NCAA Division III sports with 17 varsity teams.


    • Commended by the state Board of Higher Education for "high level of progress...commitment to system-wide strategic priorities and quality improvement...[and] strong commitment to students and their families."
    • Recognized by the Springfield Republican as "a bargain in Western Mass."


    • Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
    • National accreditation for
            — Athletic Training
            — Sociology and Social Work
            — Education
            — Health Fitness program (endorsed by the American College of Sports
            — Counseling Center (International Association of Counseling Services)

  • |PublishingDate: 12/02/2004|EditedBy: hlc|Status: Live|LastEdited: 01/31/2005|Comments: Live on 2/1/05|Primary_Contact_Name: Tim Murphy|Primary_Contact_Email:|Second_Contact_Name: |Second_Contact_Email: |AdvInsertionDate: 10/18/2004|InvoiceNumber: 319272|RenewDate: |AdvEndDate: 10/17/2005|AdPeriod: 1 year|AdvPrice: 0|Other_period: |promotional_rate: yes|BillingComments: 001-136|OrgID: 1691|multiple_org_numbers: Include related organizations in search when users search for jobs from this profile.|Location: MA|InstName: Westfield State College|Searchtext: Westfield State College|manager: Rick|region: Northeast|Other_region: |Agency: Yes|Agency_name: Graystone Group Advertising|InstURL:|Intro_style: font: 1.25em trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; font-style: italic; margin: 0; color: #000000;|Subhead_style: font: bold 1.25em trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; margin: 8px 0 4px 0; color: #3E00A5;|Head_style: font: 1.5em bold trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; margin: 8px 0 4px 0; color: #000000;|Body_style: font: 1em trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; margin: 0 0 12px 0; color: #000000;|Body_style2: font: 1em trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; margin: 0 0 12px 0; color: #000000;|Text: font: 0.95em trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica; color: #000000;|Highlight_style: font-weight: bold; color: #192895|Ul_style: |HideTitle: yes|Body:

    An Introduction to Westfield State College

    campus image
    Westfield State College is a four-year, coeducational, comprehensive public college offering traditional liberal arts and contemporary professional programs. The college mission emphasizes teaching and student involvement in the life of the college and the community, with strong service and experiential learning components. The most residential of the nine Massachusetts state colleges, Westfield State takes pride in its warm atmosphere, small class sizes, and attractive campus&#8212as well as its groundbreaking, 165-year history: it opened in 1839 as the nation's first public coeducational school for teacher training. </P> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Programs</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0><TR><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imageb.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD></TR></TABLE> Today, Westfield State offers 23 academic majors encompassing nearly 60 different concentrations and additional options for minors. Current popular programs include criminal justice, education, business, psychology, communication, and movement science. Westfield State is the only institution in New England to offer the bachelor of science in Regional Planning. </P> <P CLASS="body"> The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education offers full- and part-time programs leading to bachelor's degrees, post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification, and master's degrees, in addition to a range of customized non-credit workshops and courses for personal and professional development. Westfield State recently instituted a master's degree program in Public Administration in response to regional demand. </P> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Campus</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imagec.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD></TR></TABLE> Just ten minutes off the Massachusetts Turnpike and 20 minutes from Springfield, Westfield State College is located in a gracious, residential area that's as comfortable as it is picturesque, with convenient downtown amenities just minutes away. Providing a scenic backdrop, towering pine trees and mountain views have come to symbolize the Westfield State College campus. Warm red brick buildings and winding walkways contribute to an enjoyable feeling of living and learning in a park-like setting. Five low-rise residence halls and one apartment complex surround the central Dining Commons. Another residence hall, to house 400 students, will open in fall of 2005. The Ely Campus Center incorporates the library, Wellness Center and swimming pool, Studio Theater, and Arno Maris Gallery. Alumni Field is the setting for varsity competition. </P> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imaged.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD></TR></TABLE> Beautiful Stanley Park&#8212with 227 acres of gardens, forests, and fields&#8212is across the street. Mount Tekoa, the Westfield River, and the nearby Berkshire and Holyoke mountain ranges provide not just recreational opportunities, but living laboratories for classes and field experience. </P> <P CLASS="body"> A welcome resource for sports and recreation, academic programs, and college and community partnerships, the new Woodward Center at Westfield State College is now open. The spacious, versatile athletics complex is ideally located: next to the college's football field and track, and across the street from Stanley Park. The Woodward Center houses a 35,000-square-foot field house with a rock-climbing feature and facilities for track and field events, and state-of-the-art strength and conditioning rooms, an aerobics/dance studio, classrooms, specialized fitness and multi-media laboratories. </P> | <H3 CLASS="subhed">Westfield State College...</H3> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0><TR><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imagee.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=30 HEIGHT=1></TD></TR></TABLE> <UL> <LI> recently opened a new Center for Teacher Education and Research, a resource for K-12 teachers in the field. <LI> serves 600 children each summer in College for Kids. <LI> hosts the largest Student Government Association in the Massachusetts state college system. <LI> participates in the National Student Exchange program, and the college also leads the Massachusetts state colleges each year in number of student placements for study abroad. <LI> supports a significant program serving students with learning disabilities. <LI> sponsors the internationally recognized Global Women's History Conference, and the Robert R. Lehan Playwriting Awards for One-Act Plays.| <LI> features a Commonwealth Honors Program, meeting special state criteria. <LI> participates in NCAA Division III sports with 17 varsity teams. </UL> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Recognition</H3> <UL> <LI>Commended by the state Board of Higher Education for "high level of progress...commitment to system-wide strategic priorities and quality improvement...[and] strong commitment to students and their families." <LI>Recognized by the <SPAN CLASS="ital">Springfield Republican</SPAN> as "a bargain in Western Mass." </UL> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Accreditation</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <UL> <LI> Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges <LI> National accreditation for <BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &#8212 Athletic Training<BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &#8212 Sociology and Social Work<BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &#8212 Education<BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &#8212 Health Fitness program (endorsed by the American College of Sports<BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Medicine)<BR> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &#8212 Counseling Center (International Association of Counseling Services) </UL> </P> <!-- <P CLASS="body"> Westfield State is a four-year, coeducational, comprehensive public college. The most residential of the nine Massachusetts state colleges, Westfield State takes pride in its warm, comfortable atmosphere and small class sizes. Our priority is dynamic, effective teaching, and student involvement in the life of the college and the community. Students benefit from Westfield State's emphasis on service and experiential learning. It's the perfect environment for getting a well-rounded education while achieving specialized goals. </P> <H3 CLASS="subhed"> Mission Statement</H3> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><P CLASS="body"> <IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691image.jpg"></TD></TR></TABLE> Emphasizing teaching, student advising, and student involvement in the life of the college and the community, Westfield State College's primary mission is to assist its students to develop intellectually and to use their knowledge and skills to improve the social and economic conditions in their communities. The college seeks to instill among members of its community a sense of social responsibility and citizenship. </P> <P CLASS="body"> The college emphasizes the importance of collaborative education, distinguished and strengthened by a general education program which links the arts and sciences with professional studies and by opportunities for experiential and community-based learning. General education courses are developed to respond to stated knowledge and skill objectives and students examine significant academic and social issues through upper-level integrative courses and courses stressing national and global diversity. Community-based learning and other capstone experiences provide significant opportunities to enrich students' understanding of academic principles and concepts, illuminate differences between theory and practice, inculcate habits of mind and work conducive to success, and instill respect for others. Westfield's residential program, the largest of the state college segment, complements the academic program. </P> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691image2.jpg"></TD></TR></TABLE> The college, from its beginnings, prepared students to serve their communities as teachers, and teacher education remains a central part of the college's programs and a model for engagement with the community that characterizes many of the college's other academic programs as well. Strong professional involvement of its faculty within their disciplines and community support scholarship and learning. Building upon a strong base of graduate programs, Westfield State College intends to strengthen and expand its graduate offerings. The college occupies a leadership position in offering post-baccalaureate and professional development programs for educators and will utilize new technologies to improve upon and expand our delivery of these programs. Collaborative relationships with other colleges and universities will also make possible the efficient development of new programs in other areas marked by strong undergraduate programs. The nationally recognized Criminal Justice Program stands as an example of the college's service, collaboration and outreach to communities, other colleges and state agencies. Technology will continue to be an important priority in the college's future, enhancing the educational experience and creating new opportunities for collaboration with other colleges and universities as well as with local school systems and businesses. </P> <P CLASS="body"> Each of the state system's institutions place a special emphasis on teaching, lifelong learning, and a campus life that fosters intellectual, social and ethical development. The state colleges are committed to excellence in instruction, affordable costs, and to providing responsive, innovative and educational programs of high quality. This is accomplished by developing each student's critical thinking skills, oral and written communication, and a practical appreciation of the arts, sciences, and humanities as they affect good citizenship and an improved quality of life. </P> <P CLASS="body"> The state colleges offer a campus climate that respects the ideas, values, perspectives and contributions of a culturally diverse community. They provide both academic and personal support services to assure that all students have a realistic opportunity to achieve academic and career success. They serve as a leader and resource for the community, identifying opportunities and solutions to community problems, and contributing to the region's cultural, environmental, and economic development. </P> <P CLASS="body"> The state colleges support the public system through their commitment to joint admissions programs, by managing their resources in an efficient and responsible manner, by maintaining high admission standards and career replacement rates, by preventing unnecessary duplication of academic programs, by expanding collaborative efforts with K-12 and other baccalaureate institutions, by providing high quality teacher education programs, and by developing for each college, beyond its core programs, a distinctive academic focus based upon established strengths and regional and state needs. </P> -->|Body_overflow: |On_Campus_Links: <TR><TD WIDTH=125> <IMG SRC="/icons/2002/c/info_oncampus.gif" ALT="On-campus links" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0"><BR> </TD></TR>|InUse: |InUseBy: |CreatedBy: Heather Collins|CreatedOn: 12/01/2004 08:56:53 AM|InstName_top: Westfield State College|SortName: Westfield State College|LastModifiedBy: Heather Collins|LastModified: 10/11/2005 09:33:52 AM|PublishingDay: Thursday, December 2, 2004|ExportFileName: q:\htdocs\jobs\profiles\1691.htm|$UpdatedBy: CN=Heather Collins/O=Chronicle|$Revisions: 02/01/2005 08:59:38 AM,10/11/2005 09:30:22 AM,10/11/2005 09:32:06 AM,10/11/2005 09:33:37 AM|||<IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691h.jpg" ALT="Westfield State |College, Explore. Experience. Excel.">|<A HREF="||"><FONT SIZE="-1">Westfield State College home page</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A HREF=""><FONT |SIZE="-1">Faculty openings</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>|||<A HREF=""><FONT |SIZE="-1">Administrative openings</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A HREF="| |"><FONT SIZE="-1">Human Resources</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A HREF=""><FONT |SIZE="-1">Academics</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A HREF=""><FONT SIZE="-1">News and |Events</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A HREF="| |"><FONT SIZE="-1">About Westfield, MA</FONT></A><BR>||<HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE>||<A |HREF="|efair"><FONT SIZE="-1">Relocation Resources</FONT></A><BR>|||| </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=157 HEIGHT=1 COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#707070"> <IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" ALT=" " WIDTH="157" HEIGHT="1"><BR></TD> </TR></TABLE> </TD> <TD WIDTH=9> <IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" ALT=" " WIDTH="9" HEIGHT="1"><BR></TD> <TD WIDTH=590 VALIGN=TOP> <IMG SRC="/icons/2002/c/profiles_flag_590.gif" ALT="Employer Profile" WIDTH="590" HEIGHT="55"><BR> <IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" ALT=" " WIDTH="590" HEIGHT="6"><BR> <P ALIGN=CENTER CLASS=INTRO> </P> <P CLASS=BODY> Body: <H3 CLASS="subhed">An Introduction to Westfield State College</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imagea.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD></TR></TABLE> Westfield State College is a four-year, coeducational, comprehensive public college offering traditional liberal arts and contemporary professional programs. The college mission emphasizes teaching and student involvement in the life of the college and the community, with strong service and experiential learning components. The most residential of the nine Massachusetts state colleges, Westfield State takes pride in its warm atmosphere, small class sizes, and attractive campus&#8212as well as its groundbreaking, 165-year history: it opened in 1839 as the nation's first public coeducational school for teacher training. </P> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Programs</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0><TR><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imageb.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD></TR></TABLE> Today, Westfield State offers 23 academic majors encompassing nearly 60 different concentrations and additional options for minors. Current popular programs include criminal justice, education, business, psychology, communication, and movement science. Westfield State is the only institution in New England to offer the bachelor of science in Regional Planning. </P> <P CLASS="body"> The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education offers full- and part-time programs leading to bachelor's degrees, post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification, and master's degrees, in addition to a range of customized non-credit workshops and courses for personal and professional development. Westfield State recently instituted a master's degree program in Public Administration in response to regional demand. </P> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Campus</H3> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imagec.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD></TR></TABLE> Just ten minutes off the Massachusetts Turnpike and 20 minutes from Springfield, Westfield State College is located in a gracious, residential area that's as comfortable as it is picturesque, with convenient downtown amenities just minutes away. Providing a scenic backdrop, towering pine trees and mountain views have come to symbolize the Westfield State College campus. Warm red brick buildings and winding walkways contribute to an enjoyable feeling of living and learning in a park-like setting. Five low-rise residence halls and one apartment complex surround the central Dining Commons. Another residence hall, to house 400 students, will open in fall of 2005. The Ely Campus Center incorporates the library, Wellness Center and swimming pool, Studio Theater, and Arno Maris Gallery. Alumni Field is the setting for varsity competition. </P> <P CLASS="body"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=1></TD><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imaged.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD></TR></TABLE> Beautiful Stanley Park&#8212with 227 acres of gardens, forests, and fields&#8212is across the street. Mount Tekoa, the Westfield River, and the nearby Berkshire and Holyoke mountain ranges provide not just recreational opportunities, but living laboratories for classes and field experience. </P> <P CLASS="body"> A welcome resource for sports and recreation, academic programs, and college and community partnerships, the new Woodward Center at Westfield State College is now open. The spacious, versatile athletics complex is ideally located: next to the college's football field and track, and across the street from Stanley Park. The Woodward Center houses a 35,000-square-foot field house with a rock-climbing feature and facilities for track and field events, and state-of-the-art strength and conditioning rooms, an aerobics/dance studio, classrooms, specialized fitness and multi-media laboratories. </P> </P> <P CLASS=BODY> <H3 CLASS="subhed">Westfield State College...</H3> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0><TR><TD><IMG SRC="/jobs/profiles/icons/1691/1691imagee.jpg" ALT="campus image"></TD><TD WIDTH=10><IMG SRC="/icons/space.gif" WIDTH=30 HEIGHT=1></TD></TR></TABLE> <UL> <LI> recently opened a new Center for Teacher Education and Research, a resource for K-12 teachers in the field. <LI> serves 600 children each summer in College for Kids. <LI> hosts the largest Student Government Association in the Massachusetts state college system. <LI> participates in the National Student Exchange program, and the college also leads the Massachusetts state colleges each year in number of student placements for study abroad. <LI> supports a significant program serving students with learning disabilities. <LI> sponsors the internationally recognized Global Women's History Conference, and the Robert R. Lehan Playwriting Awards for One-Act Plays. </P> <HR NOSHADE SIZE=1> Return to <A HREF="/jobs/">Chronicle Careers.</A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>