The Chronicle of Higher Education
Money & Management


article illustration PUTTING THE FUTURE ON PAPER

Strategic plans, which migrated to higher education from corporations, have quickly become de rigueur at colleges. The most successful plans share some important elements. Honesty, for one.


Pomona College has invested considerable time and effort in devising a strategy for spending wisely.

$500 A HEAD

In an arrangement that raises questions about conflict of interest, the University of California at Irvine collects a bounty for sending students to an online for-profit institution.


Colleges struggle to find emergency-notification systems, whether high-tech or low, that quickly reach everyone on a campus.


Gifts to sports programs now account for more than one-quarter of all contributions to some colleges, cutting into the proportion given for academic purposes.


College police chiefs discuss the proper role of the Taser in campus law enforcement.


BIOFUEL RESEARCH: The University of Tennessee plans to build an experimental ethanol refinery near its flagship campus.

KEEP THE MONEY: A former faculty member at Stanford University who made and lost a fortune has told the medical school that a multimillion-dollar donation still stands.

BUTT IN: The University of California's regents have decided that the system will continue to accept research money from the tobacco industry.

AN EXPECTED BLOW: Sierra Nevada College has been put on probation by its accreditor.

PEER REVIEW: The chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is stepping down. ... The head of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is leaving. ... The chairman of the anthropology department at Washington University in St. Louis will become dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. ... A Princeton University professor has been named poetry editor of The New Yorker.

Face Value: Fund-Raising and Alumni Blog

Consumer watchdogs say there is some truth behind a fictional TV show's portrayal of universities' ties to oil companies

California Polytechnic State U. announces a $60-million donation

Issues in Depth

Executive compensation

Campus architecture

Tuition and fees

For-profit higher education

The 2007-8 Almanac of Higher Education


College licensing revenues

College fund-raising campaigns

Gifts and bequests

Endowments at 765 institutions

Pay and benefits for college presidents, 1993-present

Faculty salaries since 1999

Tuition and fees

Campus architecture

Also of Interest

Largest private gifts to higher education

Median salaries of college administrators

Updates on billion-dollar campaigns at 26 universities
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Index of For-Profit Higher Education
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Inventions: Two undergraduates at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute grew mushrooms to create an environmentally friendly insulation for the construction industry. (7/13/2007)
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Bond-rating update for August 2007
Previous updates

Foundation grants

Gifts and bequests

Facts and figures on higher-education finances