Chronicle Careers


Effective April 7, 2006, The Chronicle is replacing the current tearsheet fulfillment process with an automated system. We're excited to offer this new service and we think it will be a positive change for most advertisers.

An electronic tearsheet is a PDF file containing an exact image of the page on which your printed advertisement ran. Our new system enables you to access and store all your electronic tearsheets. Click here to log in to the system.

During a short transition period, both electronic and printed tearsheets will be produced. Starting in June, 2006, paper tearsheets will be available for a nominal fee, upon request.

Benefits of E-Tearsheets

E-mail Notification Service

Once your e-tearsheet is ready (at the end of the publishing week), you will receive an e-mail notification containing a link to your e-tearsheet. You will have immediate access to the tearsheet from your online account -- no more waiting for tearsheets to arrive in the mail. And, you can view tearsheets for every issue in which your ad ran.

Easy Access

E-tearsheets are easily accessible through our Web site - simply log in to your account to search for tearsheets beginning April, 2006. Use search features such as issue date, date range, order number, or client name (for agencies). Detailed information for each ad is provided.

Ease of Printing

The e-tearsheet is a resized file of the same one used to lay out your ad in print. The PDF file you print from our Web site can fit on to a regular sheet of paper. You can make as many copies as you want and even download and save your e-tearsheet file on your computer. You can also print the invoice related to your tearsheet.

Page Position

View your ad's exact position in the print section by viewing the pages before and after your ad right on our Web site.

If you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail at

FAQ's on E-Tearsheets

1) Why is The Chronicle replacing printed tearsheets with the electronic version?

This new system is a more efficient method of delivering tearsheets to those advertisers who want them. In the past, we have devoted significant resources to include a printed tearsheet along with invoices. Additional resources were needed to fulfill tearsheet requests after the publication date. With this new system, advertisers can access their tearsheets online by simply logging into the system via the Web. We believe that this automated, self-serve system is a better resource for our customers and a more efficient source for our customers to view and print their ads.

2) What should I do if the tearsheet I want was produced before April, 2006?

Please complete the tearsheet order form at:

3) What should I do if I can't find the tearsheet I want?

Please contact The Chronicle's accounting department at

4) What should I do if I need a newsprint tearsheet for every issue my ad appears in?

Please contact The Chronicle's accounting department at as soon as you have completed the order for your ad.

5) Should I print a copy of each e-tearsheet?

A tearsheet is evidence that your advertisement was published in The Chronicle. This evidence will be readily available to you online for five years so you may not need to print a copy. However, your institution may require that you print a copy for your files, for the accounting department, or to meet PERM requirements (see question 10 below).

6) Why is there a nominal fee for ordering a paper tearsheet?

We believe this new system will satisfy the needs of most advertisers and will be a great service for them. For those advertisers that require a printed tearsheet, a $5 charge is imposed to help us recover the costs of finding and delivering a printed version. A paper tearsheet can be requested at the time you place your advertisement online or afterwards at:

7) What do you recommend if I experience difficulties printing the PDF of my tearsheet?

In the print setup for Acrobat Reader, click on the Advance button and check the box to "Print as Image." Also, see the directions in "e-tearsheets help" when you are logged into the e-tearsheets page.

8) The PDF is hard to read - what can I do about it?

The PDF is formatted to fit on a standard sheet of paper. The fonts must be compressed in order to portray the entire page. Smaller ads are best viewed on your computer.

9) How long will tearsheets be available online?

Starting with the first issue in April, 2006, E-tearsheets will be accessible online for five years.

10) Don't I need an original, printed tearsheet to meet immigration requirements?

There are no specific requirements to obtain and maintain original, printed tearsheets of your advertisements if you are petitioning an employee to be granted permanent resident status under the Permanent Labor Certification Process. While documentation may certainly be required under audit, copies of advertisements are acceptable as long as the advertisement contains all required information. A printout of the PDF file containing your tearsheet is sufficient to meet the documentation requirement. While you may choose to print an e-tearsheet yourself with every advertisement you run, you don't have to as e-tearsheets will be accessible online for five years.