Chronicle Careers

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

If your opening relates to fund raising, institutional advancement, foundation relations, or development, you can extend your reach to an additional influential audience and take advantage of a deep discount.

More than 45,000 professionals in the nonprofit world subscribe to our sister publication, The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

A special combination rate of $208 per column inch is available for advertisers who place the same display ad in both papers. That's a 20-percent discount off of the combined rates if you placed the same ad in each paper individually. The same ad must run in consecutive issues of both publications. This includes a 30-day run online on both and No other discounts apply, and we do not offer a combination rate for Web-only ads or line ads.

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact an account representative at (202) 466-1050, or send an e-mail message to