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Sunday, September 30, 2007

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News & Advice
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Prior day's news:  By date | By column

First Person

Want to know what an editor is really thinking when he's reading that article you submitted?

First Person

At 36, an aspiring senior administrator finds that her age tips the balance against her candidacy.

First Person

A Ph.D. in the geological sciences who has had great success in research nonetheless hopes to land a job at a place where teaching matters.

The Fund Raiser

Is it a conflict of interest, or just plain stupid, to share tricks of the trade with another nonprofit group?

P&T Confidential

A blueprint for rescuing your academic career from the ashes of tenure denial.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Heads Up

The ability to communicate negative information without alienating your audience has become an essential administrative skill.

First Person

The not-quite-mutual decision of college and scholar to part ways can sour you on the prospect of finding the perfect academic "fit."

First Person

Here's a guide for entry-level administrators as they embark on careers in higher education.

On Course

A self-published book on teaching is the surprising source of some valuable insights on the college classroom.

Heads Up

Will you be held accountable for requiring students to participate in a virtual world if they become the target of online harassers?

First Person

In his first years in office, a new president learns to expect the unexpected.

Beyond the Ivory Tower

When his vision of finding a job at a big research university faded, a Ph.D. in ecology took the less traditional path.

Ms. Mentor

There are ways to dress in academe, Ms. Mentor cautions, and every fashion choice does send a message.
On Hiring

Dean Dad shares his thoughts on freedom of speech for administrators

Wayne State U.'s president, Irvin D. Reid, has announced that he will step down at the end of this academic year

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

Have you had this guy in your class?

A professor seeks advice on how to deal with a disruptive student.

Personal Web page for job seekers

Is it a good idea to create a personal homepage, in addition to the CV?, a job seeker asks.

Who will be in charge while I'm on leave?

A junior professor is worried about who will cover her courses when she goes on maternity leave.

Plagiarist Gettysburg

A professor says he caught 11 plagiarists in one day -- the bloodiest single plagiarism day in his professional history.

How much do you earn?

Academics talk turkey about their salaries.

2007 tenure-track newbies

Starting assistant professors share their joys and frustrations on the job.

Department chairs and deans

Discuss the challenges of academic administration in our new forum.

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