Double Shot #25

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

Spent a chunk of last night trying to figure out the major e-commerce systems in Second Life. It really is a whole different world in there.

  • A peek in the rear-view mirror – I try not to be gratuitously snarky about Microsoft here, but you know, sometimes it’s just too tasty to avoid.
  • Apollo – Adobe’s new whiz-bang Web/desktop development language, now in alpha. In a year, maybe I’ll kick myself for not getting out in front of the parade on this one, but you know, I’ve never yet met an Adobe development environment I actually liked to work with.
  • Ruby on Rails Caching Tutorial – Part 2 – More in-depth advice from the Rails Envy folks.
  • No code left untested – Extension to Rails’ controller generator to make it generate test files for helpers.