Setting up Eclipse for Rails 2

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

There’s a good-looking set of instructions over at My Preferred Rails Development Environment (via dzone). In it, Yehuda Katz walks through the basic install steps for Eclipse, and then configures it with a set of plugins to speed Rails development.

I’m not going down this road myself at the moment, though. When learning a new language, I prefer to stick fairly close to the bare code and do a fair amount of typing (and even, dare I say it, some cut and paste) as I get the syntax locked into my brain. So right now I’m still mainly working in TextMate . Mileage varies, though, so if you’re a hardcore IDE person it’s nice to see how easy it is to set up a powerful free one for this stuff.


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  1. scottFebruary 05, 2007 @ 10:19 AM
    Just curious, have you had a chance to review for your IDE. I do like your software reviews on larkware. Maybe having software reviews on a fresh cup can work too?
  2. Mike GunderloyFebruary 05, 2007 @ 11:15 AM
    I'm aware of the Sapphire in Steel project, but I'm not test-driving it myself, since part of my goal is to divest myself of the Microsoft tool stack entirely (and so a tool hosted in Visual Studio doesn't do me much good). It does look useful for people staying on Windows who want to work with Rails. I probably will add software reviews here sooner or later, as soon as I know enough to not sound like a complete idiot :)