Double Shot #47

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program of linkage.

Double Shot #21

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

Had to figure out how to rework my Rails login stuff to work with MD5 instead of SHA last night, as MD5 is pretty much the only hashing that LSL supports. Fortunately, this was a simple change despite the alphabet soupness of it all.

  • CruiseControl.rb – Continuous integration for Ruby. When my Rails cod gets a bit more mature, I must look into this. (via Toolman Tim)
  • Describe it with RSpec – The RSpec behavior definition framework is another piece that I really should dig into some day.
  • How To Install Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) On Ubuntu – For a few brief moments I thought about this, but I really don’t need a collaboration server right at the moment. Maybe when I manage to wean the rest of the users on my network off of Exchange this will come in handy.