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**For print submissions, go here**

NEWS (Feb. '07) -- Annual Baseball Web Issue!

We are again reading for our annual baseball issue, featured on this site every April. For examples of what we have presented in the past, check out our archives, specifically every April. We are mostly looking for short stories, preferably under 1,500 words or so (because, really, reading much more than that on the computer gives us headaches), but are also open to anything else baseball-related -- short essays, humor pieces, etc. If you have any questions, shoot, otherwise send us your best baseball stuff, and help spread the word! We will be reading submissions until mid-March. Send all submissions to


We of course recommend you be at least vaguely familiar with what we have published in the past. Once that is out of the way, there really isn't much more we can tell you. More instructions would really only clutter this page, wouldn't it? We want stories that are what we like to call "web-friendly" meaning, shorter than about 2,000 words or so. Send all submissions to


Please query first if you would like to interview someone for Hobart.


For our spotlight feature, we are looking for things like profiles, travel destination highlights, and the like. Both fiction and non. Profile your neighbor, the Museum of Jurassic Technology, or something/someone that doesn't exist.


We're open to all kinds of ideas. Like interviews, please query first if you have an idea for something you think might be a fit for Hobart.


Mostly: gratitude and thanks. We're a very gracious bunch. But! Also! All contributors to Hobart: website will receive a one year (2 issue) subscription to the print journal.

Web Editing Team:

Savannah Schroll
Claudia Smith
Jensen Whelan
Sean Carman (photo editor)