Yet Another Possibility 2

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

Learn Cocoa is a baby steps tutorial to building a simple Cocoa app (well, really, just sticking some components together, but it introduces the toolset). I’ll probably work through it, though at the moment I don’t have any particular ideas about Mac desktop apps that I’d want to build.


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  1. SteveJanuary 23, 2007 @ 03:37 AM
    This might put you off Cocoa, sounds like there is quite a lot of typing (sure is pretty though)
  2. Mike GunderloyJanuary 23, 2007 @ 08:21 AM
    Well, if you listened to the Reg, you'd probably give up programming entirely and take up clubbing baby seals instead, no? A quick scan suggests that his major gripe is "Cocoa isn't Delphi." I tend to be wary of such comparisons. You can always make a development environment look bad by concentrating on features that its competitors have, rather than by learning it well enough to find out what its strengths are.