Explore Water

Ocean and Coastal Resources

The Ocean and Coastal Resources Branch provides Servicewide policy and guidance for marine resource protection; coordinates implementation of the Ocean Park Stewardship Strategy; coordinates NPS activities relating to Marine Protected Areas; coordinates NPS activities relating to the protection of coral reefs; develops a Servicewide coastal watershed assessment and protection strategy; provides guidance and technical support to NPS units for marine resource management and planning; and provides NPS liaison and coordination with NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.

Pod of Dolphins, Biscayne National Park (NPS Photo), Marine Reef, Biscayne National Park (NPS Photo)

Ocean Park Stewardship Strategy

Coastal Watershed Condition Assessment Program Fact Sheet

Coral Reefs in the National Parks

Links to other areas of interest. These links will take you to government agency websites outside of the National Park Service.

Marine Protected Areas

NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Program

Contact Us

update on 07/26/2007  I   http://www1.nature.nps.gov/water/marine.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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