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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingTeen & Preteen · 1 decade ago you know what they are?

Why is it that so many people are still getting STDs & still having unplanned pregnancies?

It's called BIRTH CONTROL & CONDOMS people!

I met a girl today. She is 14....FOURTEEN! She is pregnant & has decided to keep this one. Yep, not her first pregnancy but she aborted the other TWO. This is a 14 year old CHILD. Not only should she not be pregnant, she shouldn'e even be having sex!!!!!!!!

Grrrr.....I'm so mad about this. She's a baby having a baby. I asked her shy she doesn't use condoms& she says that she is too embarrassed to get them from the clinic. Oh, but it's so much less embarrassing showing up at the clinic every 6 months for an abortion or a pre-natal check up......


Hi Ash,

Well, if you want to get right down to it, it matters to me because is that little girl going to be able to support that kid? No. She is not. Who will support the kid? Oh, that's & all the other tax payers!

I know it sounds harsh to bring it all right back to dollars & cents but if the kids carrying kids don't think about the financials of having kids then somebody bloody well has to don't they.

Also, why is the guy who knocked her up not in gaol. She is under 18 & therefore he should go down for statutory rape.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    its because people don't think of the consequences when they have sex.

    they think, oh, only teenage girls who are hoodlums or whatever will get pregnant, and I'm not one of those girls.

    or, only prostitutes will get STDs and that would never happen to me if i had unprotected sex.


    the chance of stds and pregnancy are the same for everyone, and no one seems to realize that they could be at risk every time they think, 'just this once'.

    and no offense to all those pro-lifers, but why is it such a great thing that she didn't abort the baby?

    granted, she shouldn't be pregnant in the first place, but which is better, her aborting the baby or her giving that kid a hard life for 18 years or just dumping the kid on her parents who obviously don't know how to teach their child about protection and sex.

    but that's just my two cents.

  • 1 decade ago

    god help that little girl!!!!

    yes I know what they are~ but things do happen.

    I knew an 11 yr. old pregnant for the second time (she had placed her youngest for adoption) Its sad what the world is coming to. I mean with all the kid moms, I was 18 when I had my youngest and I think I was too young, let alone all the 11, 12, 13, 14 year olds. I do understand unplanned pregnancies though, condoms (or anything else for that matter) are 100% reliable; but that kind of thing should only happen to adults!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know how you feel, I was out today with my little sister, she's 9 and I'm 12, we saw at least 4 teenage mums! I hate seeing teenagers out with their kids and their friends. I know I'm not an exact expert at my age but they just don't know how to cope, if the kid fiddles with their hair or starts crying they just yell at them or shake them hard. Once I even saw a teenage mum out with her friends and they were playing 'catch' with the toddler, then seeing how fast they could push the pram down a hill WITH THE CHILD INSIDE!I really really hate it! I mean, if they're 18 or older and it was unplanned but because the protection didn't work then it's ok. I hate it when they don't think about the future though, they just think 'OOH YAY! MY OWN LITTLE BABY!' GGGGGGRRRRRRRR

  • 1 decade ago

    it does bother me there are girls out there who are using abortion as there birth control or think that peanut butter or pizza sauce is a contraceptive becuase there boyfriends told them so its quite annyoing but then again what do i know im a virgin at 17 ive never had to deal with that kinda situation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) If you have to come on Yahoo to ask sex related questions, then you shouldn't be having sex. You obviously don't know enough to be engaging in something so serious.

    2) The ONLY way to guarantee not getting pregnant is not to engage in sex, period. No other method of birth control is 100% effective, so there is always a chance of pregnancy.

    All people should know one and two. I'm tired of the people who don't and thank you for bringing up the subject.

  • 1 decade ago

    parents and schools should be more open with children about the results of having sex , i know my brother and sister have to carry a "life" like baby for two days there junior year ......maybe more schools should do something like this

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes its sad, i wish in some ways they had condoms available at school

    but that almost like saying its ok to have sex.

    So what can we do???

    I would love to hear what folk say


    MOM to 3 boys and pregnant again.

    My oldest is 11 years old ,

  • 1 decade ago

    of course tho rite...its embarrasing 4 her to buy condoms but it isnt embarrasing to 14 and pregnant !


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a grip, girl. There are lots of things in life that you have control over, and millions more that you don't, including everyone else's behavior. Just stick to leading the good, moral life that you think everyone else should and let the chips fall where they may.

    "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."


  • 1 decade ago

    Her life is really none of your business. She's not a baby. I can't stand it when adults underestimate the maturity level of teens. Some teens do use condoms, they just don't use it correctly. No one wants to talk about how to put one on, so how are teens supposed to know?

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