Quagga/Zebra Mussel Infestation Response Plan

Quagga Mussels on the hull of a boat. Lake Mead National Recreation Area. (Photo by David Britton)
In January 2007, quagga mussels, a type of invasive mussel related to zebra mussels were detected in Lakes Mead, Mohave, and Havasu. This represents the first detection of this species in any United States waters west of the Rocky Mountains. This invasive organism is known to significantly alter aquatic ecosystems and impact water-based facilities. more  »
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Planning, Environment & Public Comment (PEPC)

Picture of public learning more about the park
The PEPC system is an on-line collaborative tool designed to facilitate conservation planning and environmental impact analysis. It provides you access to all current park plans and environmental documents open for public review. You can even submit your comments on-line through this easy-to-use website. more »

National Park Service Science in the 21st Century
National Park System Advisory Board:

-2004 Report (PDF 242 kb)
-Addendum (PDF 22 kb)
Logo for the Natural Resource Challenge
The Natural Resource Challenge represents a major effort to address the challenges of caring for our country's natural heritage within the complexities of today's modern landscapes.  more »

photo of Rock Creek


Rock Creek Park is truly a gem in our nation’s capital. It offers visitors an opportunity to reflect and soothe their spirits through the beauty of nature. Fresh air, majestic trees, wild animals, and the ebb and flow of Rock Creek emanate the delicate aura of the forest.   more »
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