Double Shot #13

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

Sorry about all the RSS goofiness. I managed to complete bork the site and had to redo a batch of things, which didn’t do the feeds any good. Not that I’ve had much luck tracking down the original issue.

  • Rails vs. Django – There’s a link here to a Django screencast that I probably should find the time to watch, though overall it confirms my suspicion that the two frameworks are largely equivalent in terms of productivity.
  • Softies on Rails Interviews: Menuism – It’s certainly nice for me to read at this point stories of people who walked away from Microsoft to do Rails development.
  • File Upload Fu – Mike Clark discusses handling image file uploads in a Rails app.
  • Lighthouse – Rails issue tracking app from the Mephisto creators, coming soon.
  • TextMate: Power Editing for the Mac – Book from Pragmatic Bookshelf, now released. If I did want to become a TextMate expert, this would probably be a good investment.
  • Capistrano 1.4.1 – A minor update to the deployment utility that goes along with Rails.
  • Our ActiveRecord book …and YOU! – There’s a book all about ActiveRecord coming. You can go make suggestions about what you’d like to see covered.

Double Shot #7

Posted by Mike
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (5 for 2)

In which the intrepid author continues exploring new realms of software.

  • Getting into TextMate – Pointers to a bunch of resources for making better use of the TextMate editor. This is one of those tools that I know I will never really master, master-of-none that I am.
  • FiveRuns – A Web-hosted systems monitoring solution. This one is built on Rails and features specific monitoring hooks for Rails applications. I know from my time at MCP, though, that this sort of product is a hard sell compared to in-house monitoring solutions; monitoring is not the sort of thing that most IT departments want to outsource.