Source code availability
for the W3C Markup Validator

Table of Contents

Retrieving and browsing the Code

The source code for the W3C Markup Validation Service is available under the terms of the W3C Software License. Source tarball of the latest production version is always available at <>. Development code is only available from CVS.

Browsing the code

If you just want to glance at the code, or see its revision history, you can browse it on the web.

The most interesting files are currently a CGI script called "check" that does pretty much everything, and possibly also the httpd.conf configuration file snippet for Apache. Select the topmost revision numbers on these pages to see the most recent revision of each file.

If you just want to glance at the code, or see its revision history, you can browse it on the web.

The most interesting files are currently a CGI script called "check" that does pretty much everything, and possibly also the httpd.conf configuration file snippet for Apache. Select the topmost revision numbers on these pages to see the most recent revision of each file.

Download the code in tarballs

If you want a copy of all the files that make up the service, you can download a tarball of the code (~300kB) and the DTDs (~500kB).

Fedora/Red Hat RPM package

Fedora/Red Hat RPM packages are available, courtesy of Ville Skyttä, at Fedora Extras, <>.

In addition to different Fedora Core versions, the RPMs should be adaptable to other RPM based systems.

Note that the Validator RPMs have several dependencies, you'll have to get at least the following RPMs from Fedora Extras (other dependencies are included in the Fedora Core distribution):

In addition, each of these may have further dependencies that must be satisfied. All the necessary RPMs are either included in the Fedora Core distribution(s) or are available from Fedora Extras. Use of an automated package management tool to install the packages, such as yum or up2date is strongly recommended. See the Fedora Extras documentation for information about configuring these tools.

openSUSE/SUSE Linux RPM package

openSUSE/SUSE Linux RPM packages are available, courtesy of Sierk Bornemann, at, <>. Additionally, you can also get these packages from the new software repository of the openSUSE build service at <> or one of its mirrors.

The RPM packages, maintained by Sierk Bornemann, are optimized for use in a local network (running in a VirtualHost is recommended) for home office or web agency use.

Note that the Validator RPMs have several dependencies, you'll have to satisfy at least the same RPM dependencies as listed above for Fedora/Red Hat. You can get these RPMs from openSUSE (other dependencies are included in the openSUSE distribution) or partly from

In addition, each of these may have further dependencies that must be satisfied. All the necessary RPMs are either included in the openSUSE distribution or are additionally available at or at <> or one of its mirrors. Use of an automated package management tool to install the packages, such as YaST, rug, y2pmsh, smart, apt4rpm or yum is recommended. See the openSUSE documentation for information about configuring these tools.

Debian GNU/Linux package

A Debian package is available, courtesy of Frédéric Schütz.

Starting with Debian 3.1 ("Sarge"), the package and all its dependencies are included in the official Debian distribution, and can be installed by running the command apt-get install w3c-markup-validator as root.

Debian Sarge includes version 0.6.7 of the validator; the Debian Testing and Unstable distributions usually include the latest version.

CVS repository

If you intend to actively mirror the code and/or contribute patches to the code, you should install and become familiar with CVS; this is the tool we use for revision control and is generally a good thing to get to know.

For instructions on how to retrieve the code using CVS, see our web-based interface to the repository.

Using the code

The purpose of making the source code available is partly to allow others to set up mirrors of the service (either publicly or within an intranet behind a firewall), but also to allow us to collaborate on making the service better! If you are interested in helping with the development, we suggest you first install the code and read our instructions for developers.

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