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Rocker Nick Hexum Discusses His Global Warming Activism

Court TV Host: Chat with Nick Hexum, the frontman for rock band 311, who started a campaign for global warming awareness after his Florida property was ravaged by several hurricanes.

Court TV Host: First take a look at the Q&A he did with Hollywood Heat.

Court TV Host: Welcome, Nick Hexum.

Court TV Host: Thanks for being our guest today.

Nick Hexum: Hello everyone, thanks for joining us!!!

Question from meow: What do you do on tour to help fight global warming?

Nick Hexum: Well, to be honest, touring is about music, bringing people together in a positive way. It's not about social activism. So, actually, not much. My actions in regards to climate change is a relatively new thing, and I plan to keep it separate from 311. Though I do have support from other bandmembers.

Question from redsoxfan9: nick What are your views on the new Al Gore film addressing global warming?

Question from NJJOE: Nick, do you support Al Gore and his positions on global warming?

Nick Hexum: I fully support Al Gore. His movie was brilliantly done. He has been warning the world of this for 20 years. Soooo ahead of his time. Please see the movie.

Question from Unity: Nick, what inspired this passion towards global warming?

Question from minidoc29: Hello Nick, what made you want to start this foundation?

Nick Hexum: Research. Plain and simple. Plus the hurricanes. It's very important that people understand that meteorologist agree on the following: Warmer surface waters cause stronger hurricanes. Period. New data says we have the highest temperatures and co2 levels in 2 to 4 thousand years!!!! Warming doesn't increase the number of hurricanes but definitely the strength. I think if more people realized that there was a correlation between greenhouse gasses and Katrina they'd get involved and demand legislation. We must reduce carbon emissions or face many disasters. The scientific jury is in. Verdict: humans have caused the world to heat up.

Question from phoenix311: Hey Nick, what are the feelings of the other band members on this issue?

Nick Hexum: To be honest, we haven't discussed it as a group. I've had individual band members express their support. Especially P-Nut, but I can't speak for each of them individually. We don't agree on everything politically all the time so we try and focus on music rather than social issues. P-Nut and I drive hybrids.

Question from Typhuse311: If your Florida property were not destroyed, would you still have taken an interest in the situation our world is in?

Nick Hexum: Absolutely. Maybe not with the same sense of urgency but this will affect people in every region. Heat waves. Wild fires. Floods. Every part of the country is in danger. Not immediate danger but trends like this take a long time to show their effects. We're seeing the first of them now. I saw on CNN that this could be the worst wildfire season in 50 years!!!

Question from NixHex311: Hey Nick! First off, let me say what a huge fan I am, and that I really respect everything that you (and T&P&C&D) stand for. As for my question: Why do you think global warming is a topic that gets swept under the rug most of the time? It seems like it would be beneficial for more people to step up and address the issue, at least to somewhat educate the general population.

Nick Hexum: I know what you mean. I think that the "rug" can't hide any more denial. Climate change has been on the front page of the LA Times 3 out of the past 4 days. The world is waking up and smelling the coffee. Or should I say smoke?!?!

Question from Bobbi: How do you feel about the theory that we "humans" aren't a direct cause of global warming but that the earths temp has been rising and falling for millions of years in cycles with the sun's temp rising and falling?

Question from philthepill25: Nick, what do you say about the claim that the Earth has cycles and that we are still coming out of an Ice Age?

Nick Hexum: That is a scientific minority opinion. All of the top experts say that humans have definitely caused the air to get warmer than it would through natural cycles. NASA's top scientist says that it is so. Bush tried to silence him. You can read a transcript of it from an expose on 60 Minutes. He didn't get to be NASA's top meteorologist by being a dummy!!! ;)

Question from threlvnfan: Nick, how much responsibility do automobile manufacturers have?

Nick Hexum: They will only do what profit drives them to do. Corporations do not (usually) act out of conscience. They go where the money is. The government needs to make MUCH more strict emission standards. The gov't needs to give MAJOR tax breaks to consumers and companies who pollute less. And financially punish the worst polluters. Let me also say that cars are just one small part of the problem. The burning of coal and carbon emission for electricity is responsible for a huge part of the problem. We need regulation. Lobbyists keep it from happening. Our political system is corrupted by political contributions and lobbyists.

Question from threlvnfan: Does 311's caravan of tour buses affect global warming?

Question from Bobby: Do your tour busses have some kind on emission control?

Nick Hexum: Yes, 311's tour bus cause global warming. I admit it. I feel bad about it. There are things that we can do. It's called carbon offsets. You can pay into a fund to plant tree and other things that fight global warming to offset your pollution. Make a hybrid bus and I'll rent it!!!

Question from StephenColbert: Nick: Can some of the consequences of global warming (extreme weather patterns, etc.) be reversed, or simply reduced?

Nick Hexum: First of all, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the greatest, so props on your screen name! Anyway, these trends take a long time to be caused AND corrected. The Kyoto Protocol was going to really help but Bush wouldn't sign. I've heard his reasons and I agree that China and India must participate but just because someone else is being dirty doesn't mean we shouldn't clean up our act as a country.

Question from Jannalove311: Will you ever take part of ticket proceeds and use that to better the world????

Nick Hexum: We have.

Question from Stormee: Hello,Nick. Do you contribute part of your income from your concerts to the global warming organizations or do you have a specific one that you contribute to?

Nick Hexum: One dollar of every ticket and t-shirt went to Katrina victims. We've had anti-racist booths at shows. So we're not entirely non-activist but we're just trying to keep divisive stances to a minimum when it comes to 311. We want everyone in on the good vibes of 311: red state, blue state, green state.... We love 'em all! Yes, I run my own non-profit anti-global warming charity www.liberalhexum.org. Please check it out. I designed the website myself and it explains the basics of the problem. With many scientist's quotes to back up my research. I also put my own money into it to keep it going.

Question from tattoogoddess: Nick, if things go they way they are going right now where do you see the world in 30 years?

Question from thr3ee13ven: What will happen if we don't stop global warming?

Nick Hexum: Too many bad things to list in a chat. I'd like to refer you to the web site. One thing is for certain. We are on a path towards disaster. BUT!!!!! I believe humans are smart enough to figure it out and change the tide before we ruin our environment. I'm always the optimist. Let me make one thing clear. To the people who deny humans are causing global warming: I soooooo wish you were right and that it was going to go away on it's own. The fact is, that is not the case.

Question from Guest38111: If global warming is separate from your band, would you ever make a song about it?

Nick Hexum: Well, I believe in speaking about anything and everything that's on my mind so I wouldn't rule it out but.... I can't imagine that would be a very enjoyable song to listen to! hehe I think SA and I feel most comfortable writing about more personal issues. Although he got way political when SA wrote the words to Solar Flare, we usually don't go there.

Question from ripcurl: Will you in any way invite your fans to help bring awareness to global warming and climate change?

Nick Hexum: Absolutely. That's what the web site is about. That's what this chat and the CourtTV interview are about. We're preparing a MySpace page, too. Mainly, I ask everyone to look into it for themselves. It's everywhere in the media right now. And it's about damn time!!!!

Question from Chasepro: Nick: What's happening and how are you doing? What kind of money are you making with Liberal Hexum and who all donates to your origination? Once you do have money donated, what kind of organizations does it go to? I know that this was a long time ago, but good job in your marathon to help out with your organization!

Nick Hexum: We've donated to www.pewclimate.org. They are just the type of kindred spirit we are trying to support. Also, we just want to spread awareness. I think that's the most effective thing I could personally do.

Court TV Host: And here's the question that so many people have asked in so many different ways:

Question from Jason: Nick, what can I personally do to stop global warming?

Question from Matt_Capizzi: Nick what can we the general public do about this matter?

Question from OklahomaLoves311: Nick, what can the average joe do to take the right step in fighting Global Warming?

Question from RachelC: What can each of us do in our own everyday lives that will make a difference?

Question from Florida: I'm in college and I am broke. I cannot afford a hybrid car. What can I do to help?

Nick Hexum: Well, if everyone reduced their personal emissions by 70 to 80% the trend would stop or be reduced, according to scientists I've talked to and read. If you trade in your SUV for a hybrid you would accomplish that. Also, reduce your use of electricity. I used to think that electricity came from nuclear power which, while it causes pollution in nuclear waste, it doesn't further the greenhouse effect. The fact is much of our power in our homes comes from coal burning. Taken to the extreme, I plan to install a solar system on my house. They've come soooo far lately. You can run your whole house and then sell power back to the grid and it pays for itself. It's just not in the average person's budget to make that initial investment but that's where the gov't could help out. Time for one more question.

Question from Bobby: Nick, I was at your concert 311 day, there was litter and trash everywhere, why don't your fans respect the earth like you do?

Nick Hexum: They were probably drunk. hehe Seriously though, I believe that 311 fans are probably the smartest, most positive, and open-minded fans that a band could have. We are positive people, so we attract positive people. I think most people are just now figuring out the effects of their actions.

Question from ich_liebe_hexum: hello nick, your biggest wv fan here....how can we volunteer for your organization?

Nick Hexum: If I may be so bold, please make a donation at www.liberalhexum.org. It's an IRS recognized charity and it's tax deductible. Any amount helps. We take pay pal or checks. In the future, I'd like to organize an army of people spreading the word, but we're still in the start-up phase now. Plus, I'm getting ready for an incredible summer tour with 311!!!! Can't wait. 311 is my #1 priority so I'm kinda going to put LibHex on the backburner for a bit and just concentrate on making positive music with my brothers!!!!! That's all the time we've got. Thank you SO much for your time and attention and a special thanks to supporters of liberalhexum.org. Good vibes!! Bye for now.

Court TV Host: Thanks, Nick Hexum, for being our guest today.

Updated June 28, 2006, 3:44 p.m. ET

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