Educators Smithsonian Education

Discover dynamic, interactive learning labs for you and your students! IdeaLabs are online student tutorials that bring the Smithsonian to life. Based on Smithsonian collections and research, IdeaLabs give your students an online opportunity to explore American history, science, and culture.

IdeaLabs for Students
Kermit the Frog Smithsonian Kids highlights some of the 142 million objects in the Smithsonian. Students can find something fast, fun, cool, scary, patriotic, and beautiful, zoom in on the objects, learn facts, and send e-cards to their friends.
Smithsonian Kids
Photo of astronaut in space Walking on the Moon takes students on a  journey back in time to experience the incredible Apollo 11 mission! They can view interviews with the astronauts, life inside the command module, and more.
Walking on the Moon
Image of several coins Kids Collecting explores the riches of the Smithsonian’s collections, teaches students how to start their own collections, and showcases young collectors.
Kids Collecting
Photo of President Reagan with presidential seal Mr. President features facts, portraits, and quotes from each of our nation’s presidents. It’s a great place for browsing, research, or homework help.
Mr. President
Interactive Resources for Teachers
Magnifying Glass with book Artifact & Analysis shows you how to incorporate artifacts and documents into the teaching of U.S. history. Designed as a companion to the Advanced Placement Program U.S. History course, it is also effective in any instructional setting that emphasizes analytical thinking and writing.
Artifact & Analysis
Textiles of the Southwest Textiles of the Southwest explores the weaving traditions of the American Indian and Hispanic residents of the U.S. Southwest and northern Mexico. These textiles express the changing circumstances of the weavers' lives and the flow of ideas across cultural frontiers.
Textiles of the Southwest

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Smithsonian in Your Classroom includes lesson plans based on primary sources. Order the latest issue.  >>

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