Results: vanity fair

when graydons attack From the mailbag: "I am my wits end, and I was told to contact you as a last resort. I no longer wish to receive the magazine Vanity Fair. Someone bought it for me as a gift in 2003, and it will not stop. If I want read about George Clooney's colonoscopy, I will just read US Magazine. If you could tell me how to cancel my subscription, I would be grateful."


diamonds are a magazine's best friend

'Vanity Fair' Wants You To Love Diamonds And Africa

A correspondent from the UK notes that this month's Bono-produced pro-Africa issue comes bundled with a separate 74-page magazine devoted to diamonds and other "jewellery." (Click to enlarge.) It appears to be a UK exclusive. more »

THU JUN 14 2007 AT 1:40 pm


Heart of Darkness

Celebrities Almost Make Africa Interesting Again

Hey, so the Vanity Fair Africa issue hit newsstands today! Guest-edited by Bono! We rushed out to get our copy and brought it to the office where we realized that, you know, we're kind of shallow. Isn't Africa kind of last fall? We don't have the attention spans for that stuff. You know what we do care about, though? Celebrities! And with twenty different celebrity-studded covers, the magazine kept up involved for a good five minutes looking at the Annie Leibovitz compositions. Each one blends one subject from the previous cover, so you've got your Don Cheadle and Barack Obama giving way to Barack and Muhammad Ali. Here's a handy guide to who you'll want to look for at the newsstand. more »

MON JUN 11 2007 AT 3:00 pm


Latest by Stark_pigeon: @nigerienne: nigerienne, this happens to people who do not have blue eyes. i sympathize. more

The Internets

Graydon Carter's MySpace Page

A tipster reports that Graydon Carter recently requested that staffers make him a MySpace page. Folks at the magazine, however, claim it's a prank. Which makes sense, because does Graydon Carter know what the Internet is? Yeah, he sort of does, but only in vague terms. Sort of like a manatee explaining shellfish reproduction! So we wondered whether we would finally learn the secrets of the man with the famously akimbo hair. Would he have a photo of himself in his trademark double-breasted blue blazer with the shiny gold buttons? And what, pray tell, would his general interests be? more »

FRI JUN 8 2007 AT 4:40 pm


Latest by superba: @raincoaster: (exhalin'.) Wow, though. more

even better than actual africa Bono-edited issue of Vanity Fair to have different covers featuring every single resident of Africa. [WWD]


adventures in advertising

Patrick Dempsey Shills For Conde Nast

Conde Nast is rolling out its celeb-studded print ads, in a campaign called "Point of Passion." It's this nifty thing where people who might be in the magazines are shilling for the magazines! So you have Mary-Louise Parker posing for the New Yorker, and Patrick Dempsey working it for Details, and Richard Branson hawking Wired, and Diane von Furstenberg clutching Vanity Fair, and, naturally, Stanley Tucci caressing Gourmet. See, if famous people like magazines, well, then clearly you will enjoy them and buy them too! We thought we'd make some revisions—you know, to aim for that youthful demo that Conde is opting out on. more »

MON MAY 14 2007 AT 7:52 pm


Latest by ellagood: @fitts: oh be nice, she was the primary breadwinner for the entire first half of their marriage. he landed in a more

nepotism, surrogate and otherwise

Meet Jonathan Kelly, "Graydon Carter's Office"

Speaking of lineage! It's always nice when they connect the dots for us. Saves us a minute of Googling.


downward facing doggystyle

'VF' Glosses Over Rodney Yee's Sketchy Past

June's Vanity Fair features a photo portfolio about a burgeoning trend you may have heard about: yoga! Saggy-faced gurus are pictured alongside American acolytes such as yoga trendpiece usual suspect Christy Turlington ("Her commitment to an active life on the mat continues to inspire those of us still wildly in thrall to ... her perfect yoga butt.") Also pictured are yoga poster couple Colleen Saidman and Rodney Yee. Here's how the magazine describes their yogic union. more »

THU MAY 10 2007 AT 4:10 pm



Bitter Misguided Hack Reveals Self In Profile

Reading Michael Wolff's piece on Rudolph Giuliani in the new Vanity Fair—a portrait that paints America's Mayor as a crazed megalomaniac who delights in being an asshole and whose desperate need for attention results in his willingness to say or do anything, no matter how outlandish—leaves one with a deep and abiding certainty. Every article Michael Wolff writes about the character flaws of others is, at bottom, about Wolff himself. We're actually not sure why it took us this long to notice. Oh, and—is it us, or does Wolff just pop up with a piece once a year right around the annual magazine awards so "the important people" realize he's still alive? more »

TUE MAY 1 2007 AT 5:51 pm


Latest by PatBateman: This article reads like Wolf is a whiny 9th grader who has just discovered parentheses, and the ability to tack more

Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens Denounces Beltway Party, Invites Paul Wolfowitz To His House

Not everyone—actually, it sounds more like not anyone—enjoyed this weekend's White House Correspondent's Association dinner. But Christopher Hitchens was particularly displeased. As David Carr notes, Hitch cut out early, declaring that:
"The event was disgraceful, so lame and mediocre that it is beyond parody," he said later. "It is impossible to decide which is more offensive: the president fawning over the press or the press fawning over the president. It expresses everything that the public means when they talk about inside-the-Beltway and access journalism."
more »

MON APR 23 2007 AT 10:58 am


Latest by Clevertrousers: You know that Hitch was just pissed because Rich Little didn't even know who he was. more

Vanity Fair

White House Correspondents After-Party: What's The Hitch?

More excitement in the battle between Bloomberg and Vanity Fair to see who can host the more fabulous after party for this weekend's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. Sure, Vanity Fair is offering Christopher Hitchens and all the alcohol he doesn't drink himself, but the Bloomberg bash will feature both pigs in a blanket and, possibly, our mayor-king himself! While the Bloomberg party is famously a snooze—and really, who wants to stand on the pavement smoking while the host gives you dirty looks from inside, a la Tina Brown's—consider this: "Bloomberg is proud to boast that its dozen toilets should better accommodate guests than the two bathrooms Hitchens' house reportedly has for its 100-plus guests." Plus, you know that Hitch is gonna be puking in one of them. Maybe the best choice is no choice at all. more »

WED APR 18 2007 AT 10:54 am


Latest by jbk: Does anyone believe Hitch won't be guzzling down the free booze at Bloomberg's if it stays open an hour longer more

Tom Friedman

Going For The Green: A History Of The Green Bandwagon And Where On It Tom Friedman Sits

1824 Joseph Fourier discovers greenhouse effect.
1949 Richard Gere born.
1960 Dr. Seuss publishes One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
1962 Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring.
1972 U.S. passes Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act. (Amended 1977.)
1994 Knight Center for Environmental Journalism founded at Michigan State's J-School. more »

TUE APR 17 2007 AT 1:20 pm


Vanity Fair

Upcoming 'Vanity Fair' Issue To Feature Paris Hilton, Ugly Clothes

Doing anything tomorrow at 9 a.m.? Perhaps you'd like to swing over to Hudson Studios, where a tipster reports Paris Hilton will be in attendance for a Vanity Fair photo shoot. Of course, this raises an important question: Does this signal some sort of weird Paris Hilton comeback? Is she remaking herself per Graydon Carter's specifications? Oh, also, we hear that the clothes include Marc Jacobs, Hudson, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. And what do they look like? "Like ugly shit. Like little girl, cutesy stuff." Okay then! Maybe Paris won't be presenting a new image after all.

THU APR 12 2007 AT 5:05 pm


Latest by Scout: Let's be grateful she's wearing clothes. Even ugly ones. more

Leslie Bennetts

Leslie Bennetts' "Feminist" Mistake

At Leslie Bennetts' "debate" with Elissa Schappell about her book The Feminine Mistake at the New York Public Library on Tuesday night, there wasn't a lot of dissent in the room. After all, to most of us, Bennett's thesis—that women risk their financial wellbeing and that of their children by becoming "stay at home moms"—seems like the purest common sense. But there was dissent out there, Bennetts told us: She was getting "beaten up by the blogosphere." It turns out that stay at home moms don't like it when you seem to imply that their life plan is a "mistake," and the thing about stay at home moms is, they have a lot of spare computer time (see: UrbanBaby). But despite the fact that the idea of a "debate" between Schappell and Bennetts (pals, moms, Vanity Fair contributing editors both) was as contrived as the latter half of Dana Vachon's novel, we did learn some things from their conversation. First thing: Leslie Bennetts is a badass. more »

THU APR 12 2007 AT 11:31 am


Latest by TGIY: Just want to note that Friedan's book is historically considered second wave feminist, not first. (First wave in America = more

Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens To Get Knee-Walking Drunk In Fancier Surroundings

Exciting times for women longing to have a comical British alcoholic puke down their cleavage while spilling Scotch on their shoes. Christopher Hitchens and his wife, Carol Blue, are bringing back what has historically been one of the most "exclusive" parties following the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner: The Vanity Fair After-Party, the Washington Examiner reports. Hitch, whose favorite moment in life involved seeing Barbra Streisand on fire at a previous event, thinks the current go-to after-party, hosted by Bloomberg, "has become rather mediocre and tacky." (In fact, the Bloomberg party sucks.) And yet. A once much-loved institution that has declined precipitously in the last few years? You'd think he'd feel a little more sympathetic. more »

TUE APR 10 2007 AT 11:05 am


Latest by nadarine: wait, wait: someone MARRIED him? God, I hope that she has a drinking problem/hobby too, just to get more

Vanity Fair

As 'Vanity Fair' Goes, So Goes The Stock Market In The Opposite Direction

When Vanity Fair's ad pages are up, a stock market slump is imminent. At least, that's what the enterprising (or totally nutter) souls at Brandweek have concluded:
VF's March 2007 Hollywood edition ("Our Biggest Issue Ever!") clocked in at 500 pages. During the week of Feb 26, 2007, the Dow Jones Industrial Average collapsed, from 12,647 to 12,114. (Remember that the magazine hits the streets the month before its pub date). VF's previous largest issue was its April 2001 Hollywood edition, with 430 pages. In the week of March 19, 2001, the Dow tanked from 9,820 to 9,504.
No wonder Graydon Carter invested in the Waverly Inn. Also he was behind 9/11. more »

THU MAR 29 2007 AT 12:46 pm


Latest by SpecialK: Graydon Carter sez: "I'm kind of a big deal" more

Graydon Carter

Graydon Carter Has Ways Of Making You Not Talk

Speaking of recent roastee Graydon Carter, did he use his awesome clout to prevent a tell-all biography from being written about him? Radar reports that a "British book publisher has postponed an unauthorized biography of the Vanity Fair editor in chief after two researchers working on the book mysteriously quit." The researchers—"'young and ambitious' women, one of whom had earlier worked at VF"—didn't give a reason for their decision, but the publisher sees the dark arts of the man with the clown-like hair. We're of the opinion that any volume about the life of a blustery, volatile figure who has become the worst kind of parody of the people he used to pillory requires the skill and understanding of a Saul Bellow, not a jam job by a couple of editorial assistants looking to make a quick buck, but leave that aside: Any guesses as to the former Vanity Fair employee? And what possible threats—apart from withholding Waverly reservations—could Graydon have made? We look forward to your speculation. more »

FRI MAR 9 2007 AT 9:45 am


Latest by Bartender: I doubt that withholding Waverly reservations is any kind of threat. Word on the street is that The Waverly Inn more


Bono And Graydon Carter: 'Tout Of Africa'

"I'm just saying, it seems like a lot of money for mac-and-cheese."
Wow, the plight of Africa must really be important: Graydon Carter, who rarely produces theme issues or hobnobs with celebrities, has turned over editing duties for the July issue of Vanity Fair (although, let's be honest, it's not like he does a ton of editing in the first place) to Bono, an Irish musician who is on something of a mission to reduce poverty on that continent. David Carr profiles the odd couple in today's Times, and there are shocks a-plenty. more »

MON MAR 5 2007 AT 10:31 am


Latest by raincoaster: I heart Bono, but seriously... How long till it's Rosie? That worked so well for Tina... more