Mad Hatters' Review
Write a story or poem based on this painting: 
click on image to enlarge
CLICK HERE for FULL-SIZE Image - 'Lovers Above The City' © 2006 Mitchell Miller
Art © 1992-2007 Michael Hafftka

Word Limit: 1,000 words. The entry can be a flash story, poem, or whatnot.

Entry fee: $6.00. Pay to Mad Hatters' Review by PayPal (click on PayPal below).

Prize: The first place winner (in either poetry or prose) will receive $50 and publication in Issue Nine of Mad Hatters' Review. Second and Third place winners' entries will also be published.

Proceeds from contest entrance fees will go towards the cost of designing and maintaining our website. We also hope to make enough money, someday, so we can pay contributors and produce an annual print magazine.

Deadline: June 15, 2007, wherever in the world you happen to be – this world, please.

Submission Requirements: Please copy and paste your submission into the body of the email, and send it to In the Subject of email, include the word "CONTEST," your name, title of the gem you are submitting, and word count. In the Body of email, include your submission, your name, bio, email address, permission to publish email address for contact by readers.

Multiple Submissions: Are allowed. Please include $6.00 entry fee for each submission.

Address PayPal payments to

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Mad Hatters' Review, Edgy and Enlightened Literature, Art and Music in the Age of Dementia
Site designed by Shirley Harshenin, maintained by Nut-Head Productions
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