Results: plastic surgery

hope i die before i get old

It's A Thousand Bucks Minimum A Week For Lady Upkeep

We sort of miss the pre-Kuczynski days of facial work shame. PR exec Amy Krakow admits in the Times today that she spends an "astounding sum" of money on youthiness-maintenance treatments, including sessions in a hyperbaric chamber, plastic surgery on her "face and torso," hair straightening and Botox injections. So she's a Manhattan lady of a certain age, basically. (Yuck.) Gosh, where'd she get all that money, anyway? Anyhoo! It's a thousand bucks a week, says the Times, for a lady to keep herself pretty from the nails to the hairline—regimens that also take ten hours a week. "I can think of a couple of people where $3,500 a month might be low," says one lady. Yeah, but they look really not haggy or stretched at all.

Beauty Regimens Reach For The Gold Standard [NYT]

THU JUN 28 2007 AT 6:05 pm


Latest by TheBigDoggy: It's Dr. Zira from Planet of the Apes! Back off, you octogenerians. Dr. Zaius has dibs on it! more

Plastic surgery

'Lift Me Up Cards' Make Plastic Surgery Fun Again

"Lift Me Up Cards is hoping to lift the spirits of plastic surgery patients. Founded and created by Camie Dunbar and Matthew Santamarina, the greeting card line offers messages for people to send to congratulate friends and family members on their cosmetic procedures," WWD tells us today. It's not April 1st anymore at all, so supposedly this company is an actual part of our modern world. "We have a greeting card for everyone who has gone under the knife," claims the company's website. Well... not quite! Maybe they'll use our contribution! more »

FRI APR 13 2007 AT 3:08 pm


Latest by kat: @GirlEsq: Think someone should tell them it's not "You're so vein," it's "You're so vain"? I'm assuming that they're making a more

Plastic surgery

Your New Plastic Surgeon Might've Gone to Interboro

The Times points to a disturbing new trend today: doctors trained as, say, gynecologists who are up and switching over to cosmetic surgery because it's more lucrative. The article highlights a medical "spa" that opened in Brooklyn in January, and whose doctor is very pleased, thank you very much, with her new profession. more »

THU NOV 30 2006 AT 5:30 pm


Alex Kuczynski

Alex Kuczynski is Into Body Mods

woman.jpgNoted Amazon sockpuppet Alex K's Critical Shopper column contains a revelation: Alex isn't too classy to shop at H&M;! Okay, she is. But she can stomach it for a little while if she wears earplugs. So she pops them in and prepares to brave the commoners and the distasteful smell of souvlaki. After all, she has a very important purchase in her sights:
I bought four pairs of the magnetic diamond earrings ($4.90 for two pairs), which I like to put in my nose occasionally so I can tell people that I finally -- finally! -- had my nose pierced.
Huh, well, we can totally understand Alex's refusal to actually get it pierced. After all, she totally hates having needles near her face. more »

THU NOV 16 2006 AT 2:48 pm


Latest by LRM216: I agree that she does look different in every picture shown. With all that she's done to herself, why more


Thursgay Styles: Surgically Whittled For Your Aesthetic Pleasure

We know your time is precious, so we've pared every bloated feature in today's Thursgay Styles down to one digestible sentence and one representative quote, via a procedure we like to call textual lipo. Trust us, it's all the rage in Europe.
  • Article: Cosmopolitan Moms Sentence: Some moms like to drink white wine at their kids' playdates. Quote: "This is not really exotic behavior."
  • Article: The Golden Torso Sentence: Model Jamie Dornan is hot and Guy Trebay would like to do it with him. Quote: "There are certain faces the camera loves. Mr. Dornan's is one."
  • Article: Wrinkle Rivals Go To War. Sentence: Rich people have more choices now about what toxin they'll paralyze their facial muscles with. Quote: "You are basically injecting more Jell-O soup into your skin."
  • Article: Books And Boots: A Texas Odyssey Sentence: Alex Kuczynski free-associates about a trip to Texas to promote her book. Quote: "I think I had a witchy baby sitter long ago who wore [mule boots]. She scared me somehow, and I can't remember exactly how she scared me, which scares me even more."
    There you go. Spend those twenty minutes you just saved doing something socially valuable, ok?
  • more »

    THU NOV 9 2006 AT 2:19 pm


    Latest by Swordfish: My mother drank Manhattans on my playdates, while pregnant with my bro. Ah, for the good ol' 60s.... more

    Alex Kuczynski

    Alex Kuczynski Slaps Herself; Rest of Us Just Fantasize About It

    Alex_Kuczynski.jpgJust when you thought 'reformed' beauty junkie Alex Kuczynski was through dishing out highly suspect nuggets of wisdom, she gives a little bit more. Enjoy these choice quotes from her interview with DC rag Express, and count yourself lucky that you've never been a guest in her home. more »

    FRI NOV 3 2006 AT 6:32 pm


    david patrick columbia

    One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

    SP32-20060814-160740.jpg more »



    Master of the Zombie Boner

    markwarfelcorpsepenis.jpgObserve hunky young Dr. Mark Warfel, ambitious Manhattan plastic surgeon with a secret plan: to perform all kinds of disturbing procedures on your penis, and to be paid well for the pleasure. In the name of enlargement, he's prepared to sever its ligaments, yank it further out of your groin, inject it with fat, and wrap it an am empowering sheath of dead flesh. Not girthy enough? Fear not:
    Right now, there are two methods of adding girth to a penis: injecting fat, or wrapping the penis in layers of cadaver skin.

    Both have drawbacks, in that the body would like to absorb both fat and skin. Even corpse skin.
    So in a way, your significant other gets to engage in a threesome that's (at least) one-third necrophillic. One could be forgiven for reconsidering that decision to check the "donor" box on the back of one's driver's license. more »

    WED AUG 2 2006 AT 8:30 am


    Latest by raincoaster: With all the news about for-profit uses for cadavers, I'm waiting for the downfall of ticking the "donor box" and more

    Plastic surgery

    Those Nipples Are Always In The Last Place You Look For Them

    album_dk_plastic.jpgHad your breakfast yet? Digested that Zone bar and everything? Excellent. We've waited a bit to bring you this story out of general good taste, but once you pass 10 A.M., everything's fair game. Say hello to Dr. Berish Strauch, head of plastic surgery at Montefiore in The Bronx. Dr. Strauch is currently being sued for malpractice by thirteen different patients, one of whom accuses him of removing her belly button. Another litigant claims the doctor "lost her nipple." more »

    MON JUL 17 2006 AT 11:30 am


    Latest by raincoaster: Who isn't? more

    Cathie Black

    Who Do You Think Is Older? The Media Edition, Cont'd.

    Hearst Magazines chief Cathie Black in May 2004, at left, and at Wednesday night's MPA gala, at right. more »

    1 comment

    Howard Stern

    Howard Stern, Vain Divorcee

    We don't have satellite radio, but, then, we almost never listened to Stern back when he was on the ol' wireless, either. This makes us doubly appreciative of our pal CityRag, who both catches Howard's on-air (on-satellite?) revelation this morning that he's had some plastic surgery and puts together some before and after photos of the work. more »

    TUE JAN 17 2006 AT 9:40 pm