How can I get feeds?
It's easy. First, choose your RSS reader at the top left of the page-just click the icon. Then, add the feeds that interest you alongside each topic (NEWS, VIDEOS, and so on).

What is an RSS reader?
An RSS reader (also called an aggregator or news reader) is a tool that collects updated news from all the websites you want to track. Use it right and it’ll save you tons of time and effort, by displaying all new headlines in a single space-your own personal newspaper.

What if my RSS reader isn't on the list?
We've listed just a few popular RSS readers. If your reader isn't listed, you can still get RSS feeds. Just click the orange XML button, then copy and paste the URL from your browser's address line into your reader.

How can I get an RSS reader?
You can either use RSS-savvy web browsers (like Mozilla's Firefox for Windows, Mac and Linux) to subscribe to feeds for free, or download a number of desktop news readers. recommends using a reader that will display both text and images to get the most out of the RSS Feeds.

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