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Judge Rules on Evidence
Judge Larry Fidler rules that renowned criminalist Dr. Henry Lee hid or destroyed a piece of evidence he found at the scene of the shooting in Phil Spector's home in 2003.
Drag Race Murder Trial
A Tennessee jury found Bradley Mullins, 19 and David Phillips, 39, guilty of the lesser and included charge of reckless homicide for killing a homecoming queen.

Verdict: Guilty
A jury has found nurse Melanie McGuire guilty of murder in the death of her husband, William, in 2004. Prosecutors said she shot him, dismembered him and tossed his body into the Chesapeake Bay.
Witnesses recount the night Lana Clarkson died

Lana Clarkson died at the home of Phil Spector in 2003

Bruce Cutler rose to fame defending John Gotti

Music mogul's sons recall evening lock down

String of women claims Spector threatened them with a gun

Spector began his career as a performer but soon recognized a strength in music production

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