Registering means choosing a screen name and password that you would like to use. Your screen name and password will be used to log you into the Poker Room. Once you have logged into the Poker Room, you will be asked to choose an alias. An alias is how other players will identify you at the tables. For most players, you will be able to use your screen name as your alias. If not you will be asked to choose an alias that is unique to the Poker Room.

Q: I am in the United States will I be able to play for real money?
A: Unfortunately, players from the United States are currently not allowed at

Q: Is the info I provide kept private?
A: Of course! Under no circumstances will we ever divulge any information you provide.

Q: Is registering an account free or do I have to pay anything?
A: Registering is 100 % free. Whether you choose play money or real money, your Doyle's Room account is absolutely free.

Q: Do I have to play with real money? I only want to play for free.
A: Of course not. Not all of our players play for real money. Statistically only 27% are real money players while a whole 73% of our member base consists of free players.

Q: I don't know how to play poker but want to learn. How do I learn & should I still sign up?
A: Yes, you must sign up in order to start learning. Once you have signed up and installed the free poker software you need to visit Doyle and Mike's "Schoolhouse of Poker" where you can learn for free from the best teachers in the world.

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Used to log into our poker room. Only letters and numbers are allowed. Spaces and any other characters are not.
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