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Raise Awareness


  • Become a spokesperson for children's rights at your school, office or place of work.
  • Do a school project or write a report on children's rights.
  • Write a letter or editorial to your school or local newspaper that outlines some of the key issues facing war-affected children or child laborers. Make sure to suggest ways for people to help.
  • Print out fact sheets and pamphlets from the KCFTC website and distribute them at your events and fundraisers. Print these out and leave them in a place in your school where students will take them and read them.
  • Talk about these important subjects to your friends and family and encourage your teachers to include children's rights issues in their curriculum.
  • Set up seminars and displays on children's rights issues.
  • Give speeches to the students in your class, to students in other schools, to community groups and organizations.
  • Share information and articles you have discovered on consumer responsibility, business ethics, and children's rights with friends and classmates.
  • Write a play on the issue that concerns you and present it to students and to adults, or organize a puppet theater on war-affected children, child labor, and other children's rights issues.
  • Write a song, a poem, a story. Set up a bulletin board in your school or place of work on children's issues; make a collage, paint a picture, do an art display. Use your creativity and imagination!

Copyright © 2001 Kids Can Free the Children. © 2001 Youth Ambassadors for Peace. All Rights Reserved.