IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II

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IPCC AR4 WGII: "Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability"

The second installment to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report was released April 6, 2007. The Working Group II installment to the report addresses "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability". The WGII report provides a detailed analysis of observed changes in natural and human systems and the relationship between those observed changes and climate change, as well as a detailed assessment of projected future vulnerability, impacts, and response measures to adapt to climatic changes for main sectors and regions.

According to the IPCC, the report from Working Group II on the impacts of climate change answers the following questions:


  • What is the current state of knowledge on impacts of climate change?
  • What is the state of knowledge on impacts under different levels of adaptation?
  • What are the impacts under different levels of mitigation?
  • What is the state of knowledge concerning observed effects?


For the full report, visit the IPCC website. For a summary of the report, click here (pdf). Relavent materials, including a statement from the Pew Center in regards to WGII's installment can be linked to from the "Related Content" box above.


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