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Welcome to the May, 2002 edition of Kudzu Monthly, an ezine that features short stories, poetry, fine art, and informative articles on health, history and true crime. This is a site for people who like to read!


Picasso - The Actor - 1904

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Novelist Cohen Benjamin is attracted to his best friend's wife. When she questions him about his latest novel, he informs her that he does not feel "that it is the artist's place to supply the entire picture." When she asks if he could love a woman more than his writing, he soon allows his passions to override his principles.

A Higher Purpose for Art
Quinn Tyler Jackson

Of particular interest to our readers who are also writers, we are pleased to introduce this extraordinary essay about the purpose, craft, and art of writing. Illustrated with links and excerpts from Jackson's own work, this article offers a rare peek inside the mind of the writer and artist.


Texas Road House

Fair 'n Square
Jefre Schmitz

In this very human, slightly naughty romp of a story, diner owner Kelton Simms agrees to take in two young probationers - Frost and Booger Watkins. What ensues is anybody's guess, but author Schmitz capably gets us there. Note: strong language.


James Waine Carpenter

"Thatsa" came to Bydell's Landing on Cale's tenth birthday, and he didn't know quite what to think of her at first. Too stunned to move, he sat on the grass by the creek until she stood over him, leaned over, looked him in the eye and pronounced "THAT-sa BOY!"



Photo by Turtle Head

Candle in the Window
The Poetry of Kevin Carr

May Poetry Feature

Kevin Carr was nice enough to give us access to his entire portfolio of poetry back to 1988, and we accepted the lot of them. They're arranged in reverse order of when they were written. If you'd like to see how his work has evolved, start at the bottom of the page.


The Poetry of Patricia Cresswell
May Bonus Poetry Feature

We are pleased to welcome another poet to Kudzu Monthly, one who will have a longer retrospective of her work in the June issue. This is to introduce her work and submit her bonafides. Here are three poems by Patricia Cresswell.  

U.S. History

Soldiers on
the common - Kent State - May 1970

As the Guardsmen marched away from the students gathered in the Prentice Hall parking lot, many of the students assumed the confrontation was over and started to move away to their classes.

Nearing the crest of Blanket Hill, some dozen soldiers reversed and took aim. Sixty-seven shots were fired in the next thirteen seconds.

When the smoke cleared, several bodies lay on the ground.

The names of the slain were Sandy Scheuer, Bill Schroder, Jeff Miller and Allison Krause. Nine others were injured, and one was paralyzed for life.

All were full-time students.

The date was May 4, 1970, and the place was Kent State University.

Dedicated to the memory of this terrible event that happened thirty-two years ago this month, Kudzu Monthly presents the following original essay and reprints a powerful, emotional poem.

Daffodils on Blanket Hill
An Essay by Lisa Binkley

Lisa Binkley examined the circumstances surrounding the Kent State killings, and she found "fault enough to go around." In this article, she reflects on how the events at a small Ohio college affected a country.

Flowers & Bullets
Poetry by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Originally published in Pravda, this poem by the first modern Russian poet to read his work in America is dedicated to Allison Krause, a nineteen year old student killed at Kent State.


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Dixie Livin'

Dr. Dobson, Trucks, Six-packs, and
the Weight of the World

Connie Scott

Connie's about halfway through Dr. James Dobson's book entitled "Bringing Up Boys," and she's been reading about how boys are "being negatively influenced by the culture they live in." This, of course, is a serious thing for any concerned parent to consider while raising children in today's society. Then again, there are more traditional means that can be employed when a fight breaks out in the back seat.


Oh, My Aching Feet!
Lamar Stonecypher

Athlete's feet, bunions, corns, hammer toe, hallux valgus and hallux varus. Our feet, as the part of our bodies that most often contact the earth, take a terrible pounding and are host to to a variety of ailments. Isn't it strange, then, that so few of us take the simplest, smartest precaution...

Love Bugs Are Hard to Love

Thank you for reading Kudzu Monthly. It was our pleasure to publish this month's issue, and we'd love to see you back next month. Before you go, take a look at this last section. You can learn a little bit about "love bugs" in the Last Word.


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